The day the earth stood still . . .

. . . is the day that both the president and vice-president actually told the truth.

First, Joe Biden (audio here):

Vice President Joe Biden told Florida radio station WLRN on Thursday that voters should hold President Barack Obama, not former President George W. Bush, accountable for the poor state of America’s economy.

Conservative PAC American Crossroads circulated the startling statement Thursday afternoon, expecting it will take Democratic campaign strategists by surprise.

“Right now, understandably — totally legitimate — this is a referendum on Obama and Biden and the nature of the state of the economy,” Biden said.

Polls indicating that more Americans blame Bush for the economy than Obama are not relevant, Biden said.

Second, Barack Hussein Obama:

President Barack Obama told an audience of high school students in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday that he was “not always the very best student” and that ethics “would not have made it on the list” of his favorite subjects.

“I was not always the very best student that I could be when I was in high school, and certainly not when I was in middle school,” Obama said, speaking at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School.

“I did not love every class I took. I wasn’t always paying attention the way I should have,” Obama said. “I remember when I was in 8th grade I had to take a class called ethics. Now, ethics is about right and wrong, but if you’d ask me what my favorite subject was back in 8th grade, it was basketball. I don’t think ethics would have made it on the list.”

I would submit: facts in evidence.

For once, the two top men in the current administration are truthful.

Will wonders never cease?


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6 thoughts on “The day the earth stood still . . .

  1. First I heard of this, and stunned, because I don’t know what to think. Never thought this would ever happen.

    Their “handlers” must have been reading the latest news on what liars they have always been.

  2. We KNEW that Obama had no concept of ethics… We KNEW that Obama and Company were the responsible party for this nations current woes…

    What we didn’t know is that Joe *The Gaffe Maker* Biden would say it..

    I wonder how long it will be before Biden suffers some deathly malady much akin to that suffered by Obama’s faggot buddies??

  3. Mr C: I think they somehow made some serious mistakes. Or they were addled on drugs. I can think of no other likely account.

    TF: quite true. But it would appear that Joe is persona-non-gratis in whatever future Mr Obama holds.

    Perhaps they thought their guards were down surrounded by kindly DEM/MSM?

    I can’t quite account for this except: one LARGE damned series of mistakes.


  4. I read this and I am sitting here thinking, it’s snowing in hell… *giggle*

    I am pleased and quite happy to read those words!

    I hope you don’t mind, BZ but I am going to borrow both for my Facebook Wall, too good not spread around.

    I wonder what the libs are going to say, let alone the media???

  5. President Barack Obama told an audience of high school students in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday that he was “not always the very best student” and that ethics “would not have made it on the list” of his favorite subjects.

    He told kids this? It’s obvious what conclusion they’re going to draw!

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