The Dutch Begin To Come To Their Senses

From the enlightened Netherlands:

From Amsterdam, this country’s capitol:

Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk has introduced a bill that would require some Dutch citizens to pass a test of what some call as “Dutchness.”

Since March of 2006, immigrants arriving from non-Western countries have had to take the exam, whcih covers the history of the Netherlands, the Dutch language, and Dutch culture.

In addition, Verdonk’s bill would extend the requirement to those who came to the country earlier, even people who have lived and voted in the Netherlands for decades.

Opposition leaders denounced the bill as clearly discriminatory.

But Verdonk said that Dutch society had a “legitimate interest” in drawing a distinction between native-born and naturalized citizens.

If the bill does in fact finally pass, 500,000 people, primarily Muslims, will have to take the test.

The Dutch are finally addressing the Muslim issue but only because they were dragged there, kicking and screaming, due to the uproar about Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad and the murder of Dutch film-maker Theo Van Gogh and — now — the exile to America of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Dangerous persons and situations all.

Once the most liberal of all countries, the Netherlands appear to be stepping back and re-examining their positions and, of course, like most Euro countries, they are facing their own Population Deficit — as opposed to Paul Ehrlich’s prognosticated Population Bomb.

The Left isn’t always Right.


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