The Euro: Moribund

And when the Euro dies, there will be pain here in the United States.

Brace for it; it will be happening quicker than you can imagine.

International businesses are already planning for the “end” of the Euro as a 17-country denomination. From the

International companies are preparing contingency plans for a possible break-up of the eurozone, according to interviews with dozens of multinational executives.

Concerned that Europe’s political leaders are failing to control the spreading sovereign debt crisis, business executives say they feel compelled to protect their companies against a crash that can no longer be wished away. When German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Nicolas Sarkozy raised the prospect of a Greek exit from the eurozone earlier this month, it marked the first time that senior European officials had dared to question the permanence of their 13-year-old experiment with monetary union.

And yet — if you will allow me — I’d like to point out that the EU has roughly an $11 trillion dollar debt. Whilst, simultaneously, the US (pointedly, under Mr Obama) holds a $17 trillion dollar debt.

And the EU wants to turn to the IMF.

Which means the United States of America. Which means the American Taxpayer. Which means YOU and ME.

Euro ministers have already approved $11 billion dollars for Greece. Greece, some think, can be “bailed out” due to its size. Italy, however, is simply too large to bail. It alone will, for example, kill the Euro.

The countries in trouble? Think PIIGS: Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain.

Further, our Mr Obama has already committed the United States to the Fall of the Euro.

He stated:

I’m confident that Germany’s leadership, along with other key actors in Europe, will help us arrive at a path for Greece to return to growth, for this debt to become more manageable,” Obama said.

“But it’s going to require some patience and some time. And we have pledged to cooperate fully in working through these issues, both on a bilateral basis but also through international and financial institutions like the IMF.”

Again, let me make this clear: YOUR dollars and MY dollars, as American Taxpayers, committed to bailing out Europe.

But again, if I might, let me take this one or two steps further:

One could make an argument that American dollars could be committed in order to prop up Euro-Zone entities. Because these countries are our trading partners. And they need to be assisted in order to help our domestic bottom line.

I might, however, suggest: let’s just cut out the Middle Man.

If we propose to prop-up the Euro in order to help US businesses, our purchases, our trade — then why can’t we just kick Europe to the curb and do what we need to do at home?

Prop up our OWN businesses, locally, nationally, with tax breaks, cash infusions — just as we would have done internationally?


Because that is not in keeping with Mr Obama’s personal philosophy. And that does not include any amount of business-favoring deals.

Simple as that.

Clear as mud.

Mr Obama holds our future in his hand right now.

And, trust me, he will NOT act to save US national businesses.


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