The Formula =

The One + The Porkulus = a Triple Digit Stock Nosedive on Tuesday, February 17th.

You do the math.

The average Fornicalia family faces a $1,500 yearly tax hit if the new Fornicalia budget passes — which IN A RECESSION contains TAX INCREASES. The proposed budget spells out $15 billion dollars in tax increases. Some say the budget is alleged to have “cuts” — but, in the real world, these “cuts” are nothing more than NO INCREASES. In PoliSpeak, these are “cuts.” Once again, purposely duplicitous behavior by politicians.

I can hear you thinking right now: “Good. To hell with Fornicalia. I live in _____, not Fornicalia, so I couldn’t care less.” Really? You forget the axiom that “what happens in Fornicalia comes soon to your state.” If the proposed State of Fornicalia abortion-of-a-budget passes it will drag down the rest of the nation.

Fornicalia is on the verge of a tax revolt. This nation is on the cusp of a general revolt.

What possible portion of “tax increases during a recession” makes sense?

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6 thoughts on “The Formula =

  1. I don’t live in Fornicalia, but you have my sympathies, as do all who live under high-taxing, life-sucking conditions. And to think a republican led you folks down this path. Heaven help you when a democrat takes over.

  2. Here in WA, the legislature is in session. Democrat majorities and a Democrat Governor. With a six billion dollar deficit – slightly less debt per person than CA- all they can talk about is taxing and spending more!

    Like you said – As CA Goes, so goes the nation.


  3. MKS: in this Blue state, Arnold first thought and acted like a Repub but got his political ass handed to him on a platter a mere month after sitting in the guv’s chair. He was squashed by lobbyists and their spending AGAINST him. He “saw” the poli light and switched sides most ricky-tick. At this point he’s the same thing as a Demorat.

    VW: see? There’s my perfect example.


  4. I’m even worried here in New Hampshire. We have no sales tax AND no state income tax. I’m not so sure this will last much longer. We do pretty well for a State that is mostly blue these days. I guess that comes from being “Damned Yankees” and at the same time “Rednecks”. The D and the R don’t mean all that much here.

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