9 thoughts on “The Hypocrites Arrive:

  1. The real hypocrisy lies at the airport where private jets are overcrowding the apron to the point where some will have to be repositioned to other airports in order to free up parking space.


  2. Oh yes, and that’s quite true.

    You want to really save the planet? Divorce yourselves from all forms of technology and go back to purely agrarian cultures the planet over. But first, begin culling the human race.


  3. BZ –

    Amazing, isn’t it? Have you ever seen a bigger group of ‘do as I say and not as I do’ types in your life? I know I haven’t.

    Oh, and we need to keep an eye on this EPA crap that came down today. Not good.


  4. There is something rotten in the State of Denmark… and it has arrived from overseas via private jets and uses large amounts of limos containing an elite that cannot even fathom the concept of: teleconference.

    Where in the Hell is Hamlet when you need him? That play had a horrific body count. We could use a good Hamlet in the middle of this gathering.

  5. It just goes to show, you need to invest some carbon to save some carbon.

    Besides, I’m sure they ALL purchased the requisite offsets…. just like Big Al.

  6. Bd: open your mind. Think outside the box. How might that be accomplished with little if ANY carbon production? They could WEB CONFERENCE and stay the HELL out of our jetstream and the troposphere and stratosphere — that is, if they really WERE concerned about the environment.


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