The McCain & Palin GOP Ticket

Sixty-six days to go before the November election.

It’s time for all to get on board, for all to get behind this ticket and eliminate the possibility of Barack Hussein Obama, his vacuous machine, the corruptive and defeatist Demorats from occupying our White House.

And I’m writing my check to the McCain campaign today.


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18 thoughts on “The McCain & Palin GOP Ticket

  1. Surely. But with this recent development I believe the GOP finally has something the base can rally around, and actually become unified behind. Unification at this point is absolutely imperative. We MUST propel the former “stay-at-home” people to the polls and, with this, I think we surely can.


  2. I am aboard with a bit more enthusiasm than I had just a couple days ago. It was about keeping the Obamanation out of the Oval Office. Now maybe there is real hope.

  3. I like Palin, I’d like this ticket a lot better if they switched places…. humm… McCain should be a gentleman and hold the door open for the lady…. well, a guy can dream, can’t he?

    Yeah, I feel a lot better about the GOP’s ticket now. the next best thing McCain can do is keep Palin close in the decision-making loop during his admin., she is a smart cookie.

  4. I have my McCain/Palin button up at my blog! For the first time I do not feel bad about voting for McCain. Their is hope for the “old boy” after all!

  5. Sen. McCain I still have sharp disagreements with on a number of issues. His choice of Gov. Palin… now he has a chance to change the stance of his party for the good of the nation. A party that supports responsible, ethical individuals that hold to their beliefs and implement them. THAT has a higher appeal than Sen. McCain will ever have in areas of the nation that actually support those things and feel left out. If she is sent throughout Appalachia and the ‘rust belt’ to just talk about her life, not her politics, then the Republican party has a chance to mend its ways.

    As VPs do not guide my vote, how Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin approach the area starting in central NY all the way down to GA will make a difference in how I view them and their party. If you want the woman willing to ‘clean house’ no matter what the cost to the party, then Gov. Palin is the one you want. And as VPs traditionally have little to do… ahhhh…. ‘building the party’ it used to be called.

    Can Traditionalists and Jacksonians finally gain a common theme and good Governor taking the National stage? That is the opportunity that Reagan missed, in case you folks missed it. His party didn’t change as witness how quickly it went on a spending binge in the 1990’s and lost that support. What Sen. McCain does in the next two months is looking to be key and critical not to his party, which is secondary, but for the Nation. A good start is not the complete act, follow-through is necessary. The Republican party missed that *once* and shot their feet out with deadly aim. Now is the time to follow through.

    Send Gov. Palin and her family through those places where her culture will mean more than her politics. Then let her explain her politics… and how it fits with her culture.

    That will change hearts.

    That will change minds.

    If you dare to do so.

    Now we will see if it is mere tactics or strategy behind Sen. McCain. Send us Gov. Palin and change the damned party away from its current spending habits and moralizing and show how you live your ideals *first*.

    And as the Governor of a State bordering Putin’s Russia, I should say that she will have a say in my final decision making. Just what kind of neighbor has he been? Somehow I doubt a good one…

  6. Good for you, BZ. Walt and I already sent in our check.

    Yes, we definitely do need to unite behind McCain and Palin, and I’m really and truly ecstatic that he chose her. The libs are out in droves spreading gossip and trying to undermine her, which shows how pathetic and scared they are. Good!

    I’m really looking forward to the debate on the 26th of this month. I’ll bet Obambi isn’t!

  7. 09 02 08

    Thx for stopping by the blog today. YES, a child has changed me in a big way. As to politics, well I am thoroghly disapointed with McCains’ choice for running mate. He could have gotten the Hilary lovers and those on the fence by chosing a more tested fella like Lieberman OR anyone else like Newt Gingrich. Only time will tell what this will do for the country. In the meantime, I hope all is well on your end. Although I rarely blog anymore, tis always a pleasure seeing your firey posts:)

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