The Original Bloviating Zeppelin Post

With appy-polly-loggies to the fabuloso Hugh Hewitt, here is the first in a, with luck, series of weblog posts to what I hope will become a much-viewed and referred-to site referencing politics on a series of local Sacramento, State of California and US national venues.

Or not.

In conjunction with these postings will likely be a concomitant awareness of Blog Building, Politics, Updating, Life, Disappointment, Music, Language, Hobbies, Motion Pictures and a sense of United States nationalism, sovereignty, perspective, rationality, logic and fact finding.

Am I a Democrat? A solid Republican? A wanna-be Libertarian? A Greenie? Independent? Someone pushing 300 pounds? AHA! I say — perhaps therein lies the origin of the name!

Or not.

Who knows? But I say: let’s take the journey together and see what shakes out from this fresh field of assembled political ramblings and digital saliva. And so, without further ado, please hand me my walker, my drool cup, let me assume the foetal position under my desk and allow me to promulgate decisive, judgmental and discriminating (adj., discerning, judicious) writings from the crests of various Sierra Nevada mountains.

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