The Perfect Enviro-Dupe

There is a 44-year-old hazardous waste inspector named Dee Williams who is completely overjoyed that she gave up a 1,500-sq-ft home in Portland, Oregon for her current 84-sq-ft wooden hovel, a “tiny cabin” in the back yard of a friend living in Olympia, Washington.

It should be noted that federal prisoners held in Florence, Colorado’s SuperMax prison inhabit individual cells ranging from 77 to 87-sq-ft.

Two steps through the kitchen and you’re in my living room. Two steps into the living room, you bang into the wall,” Dee says, laughing.

Two solar panels provide electricity. A tiny propane tank allows Dee to cook in her $10,000 home on wheels.

Perfect. Nothing.

And that’s the point. Not much to it. Simple. Small. A dream house tinier than a parking spot. “Right now there’s nowhere else I want to be!”

The perfect Enviro-Dupe.

The Religious Left won’t be happy until you too are supplanted into a like-sized domicile, with one primordial exception: that space occupied by Williams would be stacked vertically into the smallest building footprint possible, one on top of the other, not unlike the finest Demorat housing projects on the order of the utopic Cabrini-Green.

Minimal or no footprint.

Live in a cubicle.

Disturb nature not at all.

Move not, travel not, think not,
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