2 thoughts on “The so-called Scandal Bracket:

  1. After seeing all these lesser aberrations laid out in one place…
    ‘The mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind exceedingly small’
    I hope they hurry up with the grinding process while we still have a country left worth saving.
    If we could have an office pool, my money would be on a wild card.
    Although if he believed his tenure to be seriously in danger of impeachment, I think there is nothing he wouldn’t do to preserve it up to and including… anything.

    • He won’t be impeached. To think so is just puffery. That’s so far out of the means of possibility.

      Here’s what I suspect is coming, much to our collective chagrin:

      Hillary v Christie in 2016, with Hillary winning in a landslide.

      Then we shall be well and truly lost and irretrievably so.


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