The Strategy For CapNTax:

I told you it would be forthcoming. I also said there wouldn’t be any huge moves before November — negative things in which to further allow the electorate to “judge” Demorats. There is a plan.

The Washington Post now confirms this, via “The White House’s lame duck climate strategy”:

– Pass a watered-down version of CapNTax.
– Lay the foundation
– A watered-down version will pass more readily than a “comprehensive” version
– Get the frogs — YOU — used to being in the hot but not yet boiling pot

But several sources familiar with the administration’s thinking confirmed it has started pressing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to bring up a slimmed-down energy and climate bill next month. Such a measure would pass more easily than a comprehensive climate bill, and could still be negotiated with the broader bill the House passed a year ago.

Under this scenario, the final product of any House-Senate conference could come up for a final vote in a lame-duck session after lawmakers have faced voters in November, thereby cushioning the vote’s political impact.

It is not 2010 that will be onerous, America; it will be 2011 and beyond.

The Demorat-controlled House and Congress have the wrecking ball hoisted; they sit in the cab with their hands on the controls. They are moving the crane’s tower backwards, in order to begin that final cold chunk of steel’s movement forwards. . .

Directly into your home.


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