This federal worker watches porn 4 hours per day making performance awards at the EPA

PORN on the KeyboardAgain, your federal tax dollars at work.

As in: you PAY for federal EPA workers to watch porn and not be fired.

From the

EPA Employees Not Fired For Watching Pornography, Stealing Money

The Environmental Protection Agency has not been firing employees for watching pornography and falsifying federal documents, according to California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa.

“How much pornography would it take for an EPA employee to lose his job?” Issa asked EPA officials, including the agency’s second-in-command, testifying before the House Oversight Committee. Issa chairs the committee.

“This individual spent four consecutive hours on a site called ‘sadism is beautiful,’” Issa pressed the EPA employees. “You are running an organization from which no one can get fired.”

Isn’t that absolutely a wonderful working day?  No penalties, hot and cold running porn for half of your shift, and no chance of being sacked?

Issa was pressing EPA officials to answer his question on whether or not falsifying documents is a crime. It is a crime, but Issa wanted an answer from the panelists. The EPA officials testifying before the House Oversight Committee struggled to answer Issa’s questions about agency employees falsifying federal documents by saying they are working while they were not.

An EPA employee has been viewing pornography while at work, and has even received performance awards for his time at the agency. The employee was even watching porn when inspector general agents visited his office. The employee had 7,000 porn files on his computer and had been watching porn for two to six hours per day since 2010. This employee still works at the EPA.

Is anyone in the federal government ever held accountable for any act whatsoever?

From the top to the bottom?

And what makes the federal government exempt from laws small and large?

And when is the time for torches and pitchforks?


Torches and Pitchforks

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10 thoughts on “This federal worker watches porn 4 hours per day making performance awards at the EPA

  1. They released Renee Page’s name but not the porn surfer. Huh,
    and now my image viewer in Google has mysteriously failed as I dig around for Renee Page. These people are public servants and deserve no shielding pertaining to their on the job activities.

    “The employee had 7,000 porn files on his computer and had been watching porn for two to six hours per day since 2010. ”

    Reminds me of the used car department. No, never mind, they fired those guys.

  2. I will make a wager that had an employee spent the same amount of time surfing, oh, let’s say, evangelical Christian websites, termination would have been immediate.

    To answer your ??s:
    No one
    The imperial presidency
    4 years ago

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