Today’s Hero: Jessica Clement

This past Sunday, Mike Wallace, on the television show 60 Minutes, somehow managed to overcome the MSM/DEM bias and present a rather moving pictorial of a wounded soldier who has returned from Iraq, Jessica Clement.

Her statements were simply moving, and her way of thinking selfless and honest. I present them here as they are in stark contrast with today’s mainstream media and society in general.

I reproduce the applicable portion here in full because we all need to know and understand the sacrifices that our young American soldiers are making and, further, understand the cherished values, mores and hopes displayed by the people who continue to make our country safe. From the 02-12-06 episode of 60 Minutes:

Doctors also worried that another vet from Iraq, Jessica Clements, might be a vegetable after a roadside bomb shot shrapnel into three lobes of her brain.

Jessica had been a model in Akron, Ohio, when she left high school to join the Army. As a staff sergeant in Iraq, she spent her days driving fuel trucks. “I remember days driving down the road thinking to myself, ‘Is today the day I’m gonna get hit?” Or, ‘Am I gonna get shot today?’ And just praying, ‘OK, keep us safe. Let us get where we need to go without any casualties,'” she explains.

Her luck ran out on May 5, 2004, when a bomb exploded under her truck, shooting shards of shrapnel – large and small – into her brain. “I still have shrapnel that’s remaining in my brain,” she says. “This right portion here, you can see a little, the line. . .from where my skull was removed. The neurosurgeons physically cut the right portion of my skull and removed it.”

The doctors removed a part of her skull because the swelling would have caused so much pressure that it could have killed her. They kept the right half of her skull off for four months, and for much of that time Jessica remained in a coma.

“They only gave me a two-percent chance of coming out of the coma and living, surviving,” says Jessica. “Somebody has to be in that two percent, though. Why not me?”

She remembers enduring a “ridiculous amount” of pain along the way. “I hate to admit this, but there were days when I wondered to myself if I would have been better off had I not made it because I was in so much pain,” she says. Asked if she is still in pain, Jessica says, “Right now I have a shooting pain that’s going from right above my ear over to this side. It’s kind of going diagonally across. But it’s nothing. I’m used to it.”

The constant pain, sporadic seizures, and bouts of anger still can’t compare with what she’s already endured: re-learning how to walk and talk and more.

“Basically I had to relearn how to think again and how to figure things out. I did have to learn how to walk again,” she explains. “One day I remember I sat back in bed and I moved my leg about an inch trying to get it up on the bed. I had only moved about an inch. But I had never been so happy before. I was just excited. Okay, great. It moved an inch. So that motivated me. Okay, tomorrow, I’m gonna try for two inches, see if I can get it going again.”

Jessica says believes she survived for a reason and that she now knows what that reason is.

“I believe that it’s to help other people. So I decided to go into social work,” she says.

“I would like to work for the VA or the DAV, the Disabled American Veterans association. So I can help other veterans. I’m still a soldier at heart,” she says. “I’m still a soldier. Even though I’m discharged from the Army—medically discharged, I’m always gonna be a soldier,” Jessica says.

“And I’m always gonna have that mentality. So if I can continue to help other soldiers, other veterans, that’s what I really want to do.”

What message would she like to send to other wounded vets? “I would love to tell them just to not give up,” she says. “And, no matter how bad your pain is, remember that tomorrow is a new day. Just keep that in mind, and just please stay positive. And you will get through this.”


Hollywood cannot understand, and never will.

Jessica Clement: Today’s Hero.

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8 thoughts on “Today’s Hero: Jessica Clement

  1. I don’t understand how Hollywood or anyone else cannot understand people with this spirited attitude. She is definitely an inspiration to all. Thanks for this post! 🙂

  2. It was a good segment, but I’m not sure if it was totally free of partisanship. The heroes in it were very inspiring and their stories moving. Deeply deserving of our undying gratitude and admiration for what they’ve accomplished and what they will endure for the rest of their lives to serve their country and fellow citizens.

  3. Wordsmith:

    You led me somewhere and then:

    Didn’t take me where I thought you would.

    “It was a good segment, but I’m not sure if it was totally free of partisanship.”


    Where was the “partisanship?”

    Or the obvious bias?

    Because, you see, I will clearly ADMIT to the free bias.


  4. I was the convoy commander on that mission…she was in the back of my truck. The entire passenger side of my truck took the brunt of the explosion and a softball sized piece of shrapnel missed my head by inches…after I few minutes of being disoriented I heard shouts “We’ve got wounded”…pulling her out of the back of my truck was gut wrenching and seeing her in the hospital in a coma every few days on my return trips to Baghdad was always unsettling. I’m glad she’s making such a good recovery after being nearly dead.

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