Too Stupid To Live

First: check out this video. Then:

A man in Oregon nearly died after a pet rattlesnake that he put in his mouth while drinking with some friends bit him inside his throat. Matt Wilkinson said when he put his eastern diamondback rattlesnake down his throat, he immediately noticed a shot-like sensation.

Huh. D’ya think?

This guy needs to have his Human Card revoked. Almost did.
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11 thoughts on “Too Stupid To Live

  1. I read about this brainiac and then read a story about the UN electing Syria co-chair of the IAEA right after, I couldn’t decide witch story was stupider. (that ought to be a word, there’s just too many occasions to use it these days)

  2. Mark: first, welcome aboard again and thanks for visiting and commenting — and please come back. I was unaware that as stupid a decision as that was made regarding the IEAE though — does it really shock you??

    Mpinkeyes: thanks for taking the time to visit and weigh in! And, in response — well, I shudder to do what I call the “logical extension.” But wait! Wait! Do you mean to say that this ignoramus might possibly think that something so indescribably DANGEROUS might actually have the unmitigated POTENTIAL to do him true HARM? And, as such, he somehow “misunderstood” the reptile’s actual intentions? And that, these thoughts considered, he may have been something of a “liberal”? SHAME on you for being so rampantly judgmental!


  3. well, somehow, in my mind, I think french kissing a rattlesnake and appeasing terrorists is pretty much the same thing. so, my opinion of the UN, many of our representatives in congress, and our state dept. is about as low as my opinion of this fart smeller.

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