
1. Flight?

Fully 60 percent of whites nationwide backed Republican candidates for the House of Representatives; only 37 percent supported Democrats, according to the National Election Poll exit poll conducted by Edison Research. Not even in Republicans’ 1994 congressional landslide did they win that high a percentage of the white vote.

Moreover, those results may understate the extent of the white flight from the Democratic Party, according to a National Journal analysis of previously unpublished exit-poll data provided by Edison Research.

2. Down Dems?

(CNN) – The number of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats is at its lowest point in seven years, according to a new survey by Gallup – a warning sign for the president and his party as the next race for the White House gets set to begin.

According to the annual Gallup survey of party identification, 31 percent of Americans say they are Democrats – a number that is down five percentage points from 2008 and is the same as it was in 2003 – the year following impressive Republican gains in the House and Senate.

For shame, Demorats, for shame.

Demorats: the party of white racists?


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4 thoughts on “Uh-Oh:

  1. I am in the majority, because I am most definitely not white, but Hispanic and I am hardcore conservative Republican with a bit of libertarian in the mix.

  2. Leticia: And therefore a Republican and not a Demorat. My wife is Mexican, a former Demorat until she met me, now a registered Republican. I am personally responsible for ONE convert. ;^)

    WSF: progressivism leads to roughly everything but. And trust me, there are many who are eyeballing taking the exit door from the GOP.

    I don’t think the GOP quite believes us, yet.


  3. BZ knows how I feel about the GOP and them being nothing more than *Dem Lite*…

    I have been offered a couple of options to work with the local GOP here, and I told them, “I might, but I won’t put up with so much as ONE RINO… Just one in a position of leadership and I walk… “

    Strangely, I haven’t heard a word back…

    Go figure…

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