USBP agents: taking it on the chin for Obama

USBP Agent AssaultedCops should be nothing but punching bags, that’s what they get paid for after all, is it not?

So sayeth many persons who weighed in on Ferguson, for example.

It’s bad enough that real citizens get to beat up on cops for free.  Now illegals get free pops on cops.


Border Patrol Agents Speak Out Against Being Assaulted by Aliens

by Bob Price

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas — The National Council of Border Patrol Agents (NBPC) is responding to the increasing assaults against the agents who protect our border with the production of a documentary movie that tells their story. While violent assaults frequently leave agents injured and even hospitalized, U.S. Attorneys often fail to prosecute the illegal aliens who commit the assaults. As recently as last month, charges against an accused illegal alien drug smuggler who assaulted a Border Patrol agent while attempting to escape were dismissed. The documentary will tell the story of these agents and the outrageous behavior of the government in not prosecuting these cases.

Note to USBP agents:

If you’re tired of being punching bags for illegal invaders, perhaps it’s time you left the federal government and became real cops, for real agencies, ones that will support you and not allow you to hang out to dry for politically correct purposes.

Because, trust me, Mr Obama and Eric Holder couldn’t care less about you, as evidenced by Brian Terry and by Fast and Furious and by your extirpation along the border.  You are essentially nothing more than human Kleenex.

Christopher StevensYou’re as valuable as Christopher Stevens.  And Christopher Stevens had a lot more pull than you do, USBP agents.  Do the math.

Agents are frequently assaulted by illegal aliens who throw large rocks at them as they work along the border. The assaults often result in head and other bodily injuries. One of these agents is Border Patrol Agent Christopher Harris who was violently assaulted by an illegal alien who struck him in the head with a large rock.

Or you could look at it the way Mr Obama wishes: you are taking one “for the team” on behalf of His Imperial One.

The assaults continue and prosecutions are rare, sending a signal to illegal aliens that there is little to no risk in assaulting agents while attempting to escape capture. The documentary is expected to be released later this fall.

USBP agents, I beseech you: leave the feds in droves.  You are not valued, you fight an unwinnable war, and you will not be allowed to triumph.

Find a nice local LE department and, further, find yourself a sheriff’s department, which is where your true foundational authority lies.

You will be welcomed and valued as a true family member.

Dump the feds.

Before they dump you.


USBP agents labor under more stringent “use of force” regulations.


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5 thoughts on “USBP agents: taking it on the chin for Obama

  1. There comes a time when you have to say *FUCK THIS* and just go ape-shit on the bad guys, and anyone that doesn’t think the USBP has a dangerous job really needs to STFU and go bake a tofu turkey or something…

    • When I trained at FLETC, the USBP hosted class after class that was proud of their training and had individual class mottos, guidons, and flags. Little did they know they would be REQUIRED to hold back their LE duty for the political aims of an individual whose goal is to diminish the power of the United States of America.


      • Both of you have it right.

        If it were up to Obama the USBP would be disarmed and have nothing but pepper spray and walkie -talkies.

  2. Anybody can use force against our country, our citizens, our law enforcement agents but we are not allowed to respond in kind.So of course this is a green light to keep coming after us. Any government which permits this to continue is no longer a government for the people.
    “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-”
    True then, true now.

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