Veterans’ Day 2011


It doesn’t get any more significant or clear than now. Today will be the only time in the history of Veterans’ Day that this combination of numbers will ever occur.

Veterans’ Day sources from World War I, where the armistice was signed and major hostilities ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day on the 11th month of 1918.

The history of Veterans’ Day is here.

God bless each and every American who served in our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard — past and present.

I don’t fall into that category. I am only a civilian cop, not a veteran. I must be clear.

Our military veterans have kept, to date, our nation — the greatest experiment in the history of this planet — free, powerful and vital.

We have an obligation, you and me.

An obligation to ensure that their lives, their expenditures

— were not made in vain.


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5 thoughts on “Veterans’ Day 2011

  1. Beautiful, BZ….

    We who honor our veterans are always looking for more that we can do. When traveling, I always make sure to shake the hand of any uniformed soldiers I see, and thank them for their service. This may seem insignificant, but, you would be surprised at the reaction from most of them. Sincere gratitude for being recognized and appreciated.

    In spite of the turmoil this country in experiencing at this time, I know America will come out as strong and vital to world peace as ever. Much of this is due to these brave, young soldiers who wish to put themselves in harms way to protect our heritage. God bless every one of them.

    Thanks to you for always reminding us of the importance to stop and reflect.

  2. I actually should have served in Vietnam. I didn’t volunteer, I had just left college, I had a selective service number (I forget what it was). Actually, I was a little too old for Vietnam, yet I still expected to be called. But it wasn’t at least ten years later that I learned a tornado that hit a nearby Ohio town also leveled the state draft board which, then, had paper records. I suspect my records were blown, literally, to the winds. I was never called. But lots of LE stuff happened afterwards.


  3. Thank you BZ! Another great post. Do not feel ANY guilt for not serving. I know you would have gone had you been asked. Thank you for your years keeping the peace on the home-front!

    Spokes, it certainly is not insignificant. It is just 1 more example of how little it costs to brighten a persons day, and that goes for all other relations too, not just military. Here in New Hampshire, our National Guard has been activated several times for Iraq. We Vietnam and Korean vets make sure that the troops are bid farewell when they ship out and WELCOMED when they return. Never again will American service members be treated the way we were as long as any of us are alive. So, thank you for what you are doing.

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