Violence in Kiev: anti-government demonstrations leave 18 dead so far

A repeat of Tianamen Square?

Kiev Clashes and ViolenceFrom

Ukraine: Deadly clashes around parliament in Kiev

Violent clashes have erupted during anti-government protests in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev, with at least nine people, including two policemen, dead.

In the worst violence in weeks, police used rubber bullets and stun grenades as thousands of protesters marching on parliament.

A deadline set by the security forces for the violence to end has passed with no immediate sign of police action.

The clashes came as MPs were due to debate changes to the constitution.

The proposals would curb the powers of President Viktor Yanukovych, but the opposition say they were blocked from submitting their draft, meaning no debate could take place.

Ukraine’s government had apparently been attempting to hook up more closely to Russia and Vladimir Putin.  That seemingly began to unsettle the proletariat.

Ukraine’s unrest began in November, when Mr Yanukovych rejected a deal with the EU in favour of closer ties with Russia.

The mood had calmed in recent days, but protest camps remain on the streets and the opposition – which insists the president must resign – had warned the government it risked inflaming tensions if it failed to act.

You can be guaranteed that Russian troops are in Kiev even at this very moment.  And there are explosions occurring in Kiev presently.

In the meantime, America media is silent on this.  John Kerry is silent on this.  Kerry believes that carbon is the largest threat to the world.  And Obama is — as per normal — doing two things: 1) He is monitoring, and 2) He is concerned.

Concurrently, Venezuela is falling apart by the numbers.  It is one of the major sources for our imported oil, I should offer, just behind Mexico.  Disburbance in the oil supply, anyone?

And America’s so-called “leaders” are silent and vacuous.

Putin invaded Georgia.  Will he decide to invade Ukraine?



Mr Obama has weighed in.  He “condemns.”  He also “monitors.”  He is, of course, “concerned.”


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11 thoughts on “Violence in Kiev: anti-government demonstrations leave 18 dead so far

  1. Personally, I don’t give a DAMN what they do to each other in Russia, or any part, or former part thereof… All I care about is WHEN do the American people get the BALLS to stand in a similar fashion…

    Yeah, I know… Not gonna happen…

  2. Ukraine is essentially two countries, the western half which is ethnic Ukrainian and wants closer ties to the West and the EU, although not necessarily being IN the EU vs the east which is ethnic Russian and wants closer ties to old mother Russia. Kiev is located in the ethnic Ukrainian half of the country and apparently they really despise Yanukovych. If there were foreign troops already there I think it would be known by the population so I sort of doubt there would be any Russian troops there. That would set off the powder keg. Yanukovych has his own army and I suspect will have no hesitation to use them.
    I’ve been watching the live feed from the Maidan and although I don’t speak Ukraine some words do come through. References to America being one. A speech which I believe was saying we are not terrorists (the government is labeling them so) we are Ukrainians against corruption, criminality…(Yanukovych by calling them terrorists can utilize his army against his own people, any of this sound, well, familiar?) I bet obama is taking notes.
    Looking at these pictures people out there in the rain, a young woman on the stage in a homemade flak jacket wearing a helmet standing in front of religious icons singing a song to the crowd, hearing explosions in the background…they are risking everything in protesting the same sorts of things we complain about in our country. Funny isn’t it how they can come together and we just…can’t. I read that several other cities in the western part of the country are also experiencing protests so this may spread and turn into a civil war yet.
    Meanwhile, down in the south, Bosnia is simmering again. Trouble all around.

    • Funny thing is, upon consideration, Putin invaded Georgia for a lot less than what occurred in Ukraine.

      And Putin is VERY unhappy that Ukraine was even remotely considering an examination of aligning with the EU.

      Plus, with the new coming ABROGATIONS of our 4th Amendment, THIS country isn’t very far at all from a terrible 1984.


      • Ukraine is the largest country in Europe and has a large army. Four of its seven neighbors are EU members. Much more visible on the world stage than Georgia and a tiny breakaway area.
        Putin is always unhappy if a former ‘ally’ considers aligning with anyone other than Russia.
        And there is a nagging little MOU Russia signed in 1994 when Ukraine signed the nonproliferation treaty wherein the signatories (US, RU, UK) agree: to respect the Independence and Sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine…and ..reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, among other things.
        But after losing the ice hockey quarter final…who knows what Russia might do!

  3. The Ukraine citizens will ALL die of “Russian lead poisoning”, unless they submit to Putin’s boot heel.
    Putin is an “indian giver”.
    Remember that term when you were a young kid?

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