VP Pence casts breaking vote to confirm DeVos as Secretary of Education

After continued obstruction by the Demorats, to include a pointless 24-hour “talkathon” in the Senate staged by Demorats, Betsy DeVos has been confirmed as President Trump’s Secretary of Education.

This is a massive thumb in the eye of the Leftist NEA organization whose primary concern is the continuity of union power, union money and control, at the expense of children having the best education.

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Betsy DeVos confirmed, VP Pence casts tiebreaking vote

by Susan Crabtree

Vice President Mike Pence saved Betsy DeVos’ nomination to be education secretary on Tuesday, by using his constitutional power to cast a tiebreaking vote in the Senate after two Republicans jumped ship and voted with Democrats against her confirmation.

Two centrist Republicans, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, followed through on their plans to vote against DeVos, citing opposition from teachers and parents who fear DeVos’ school choice advocacy will hurt public schools.

“School choice advocacy.” You get that? You understand that these two allegedly somewhat-conservative women — they have an (R) following their names — side with labor unions at the expense of children?

I’ve said this for some time to John McCain, I now say it to Collins and Murkowski: be honest. Just exchange your (R) for a (D) and be done with it.

With Collins and Murkowsky rolling over to the Demorat side, the Senate gridlocked.

That created a 50-50 tie in the Senate, forced Pence to break the tie and confirm her in a 51-50 vote. It was the first time ever a vice president has broken a tie for a Cabinet slot.

Pence’s role took mere minutes. He was ushered into the Senate president’s chair and announced the roll call was split evenly before casting his vote in favor of DeVos.

It was a squeaker. Here’s how close it was:

The dramatic vote followed an all-night Senate floor session by Democrats who argued against DeVos, and it ended several days of speculation over whether she would lose support from any other Republicans. One more defection would have given Democrats a 49-51 vote against her, and forced Trump to find another nominee.

Why is Betsy DeVos so reviled?

“Her support for public charter schools some people don’t like,” said Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn. “But 2.7 million children attend them and their 6,800 schools are the most effective public school reform in 30 years.”

Demorats and public school unions don’t want parents to have school choice, as evidenced in hearings.

Time.com wrote:

Betsy DeVos’ Confirmation Signals Dark Times for Democrats

by Alex Altman and Haley Sweetland Edwards

The confirmation of DeVos, an outspoken supporter of school voucher programs, was a bitter blow for Democrats after a campaign driven by progressive advocacy groups, marked by millions of phone calls, emails and tweets and capped by a marathon parade of overnight speeches on the Senate floor.

But the rebellion was probably doomed from the beginning. Despite the tide of grassroots energy, the Democrats did not have the votes. And the outcome may become a familiar one during the first two years of Donald Trump’s presidency, as the minority party faces heightened pressure to block Trump’s agenda while confronting the limits of its power within the Capitol.

Translated: the shoe is on the other foot and the Demorats don’t care for the resulting political toe fungus. They fear that, instead of the Triumvirate of Ownership under George Bush when the GOP held the White House, Senate and House and nothing was done because the GOP wanted to be loved and feared wielding the power they possessed, President Trump will in fact utilize every bit of power in his hands. Just like the Demorats have always done.

Any reduction in power, cash or perceived authority cannot be tolerated according to Demorats and Leftists, This is a loss for both.



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6 thoughts on “VP Pence casts breaking vote to confirm DeVos as Secretary of Education

    • There conduct will do one of two polar opposite things: 1. drive the Demorats into the ground, or 2. revitalize the far, far Left.

      I honestly don’t know which will last.

      For now, they are not doing themselves any service.


  1. Hope Collins and Murkowski don’t expect any support from Pres Trump when up for reelection. Glad DeVos made it. Time to dismantle Dept of ED and turn the educational responsibilities back to the individual states.

  2. Feel sorry for overworked, underpaid teachers? Drive by any school and look at their parked cars noting the relative newness and brands. Then drive by any large US Postal facility. Or a manufacturing operation. Check out what is parked in their lots.

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