WANTED: Rep. Bob Etheridge, D – NC

The District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department needs to immediately request a warrant of arrest for Democrat Representative Bob Etheridge of North Carolina’s 2nd District — on the charges of Assault, Battery and Robbery.

This is why, as I documented on Monday.

This is a top member of the House. He could easily have answered, truthfully:

– “No, I’m tired, just go away”;
– “I have no comment for you”;
– “Who are you?” — and CONTINUED walking on;
– “I’m late for a meeting; contact my office.”

– “Young man, I admire your enthusiasm. I’m late for a meeting. Let’s talk about this later.”
But no; he had to not only disagree with the perceived minimal message, but assault the messenger.
The Superior Court of DC handles matters of crime committed within the federal District of Columbia limits. Felonies and U.S. misdemeanors are referred to as U.S. matters.

State of Maryland “robbery” text:

3-401. Definitions.(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Deprive.- “Deprive” means to withhold property of another:1. permanently;2. for a period that results in the appropriation of a part of the property’s value;3. with the purpose to restore it only on payment of a reward or other compensation; or4. to dispose of the property or use or deal with the property in a manner that makes it unlikely that the owner will recover it.
(c) Obtain.- “Obtain” means:1. in relation to property, to bring about a transfer of interest in or possession of the property; and2. in relation to a service, to secure the performance of the service.
The only other changes are in style.(d) Property.(1) “Property” means anything of value.(2) “Property” includes:(i) real estate;(ii) money;(iii) a commercial instrument;(iv) an admission or transportation ticket;(v) a written instrument representing or embodying rights concerning anything of value, or services, or anything otherwise of value to the owner;(vi) a thing growing on, affixed to, or found on land, or that is part of or affixed to any building;(vii) electricity, gas, and water;(viii) a bird, animal, or fish that ordinarily is kept in a state of confinement;(ix) food or drink;(x) a sample, culture, microorganism, or specimen;(xi) a record, recording, document, blueprint, drawing, map, or a whole or partial copy, description, photograph, prototype, or model of any of them;(xii) an article, material, device, substance, or a whole or partial copy, description, photograph, prototype, or model of any of them that represents evidence of, reflects, or records a secret:1. scientific, technical, merchandising, production, or management information; or2. designed process, procedure, formula, invention, trade secret, or improvement;(xiii) a financial instrument; and(xiv) information, electronically produced data, and a computer software or program in a form readable by machine or individual.
(e) Robbery.- “Robbery” retains its judicially determined meaning except that:(1) robbery includes obtaining the service of another by force or threat of force; and(2) robbery requires proof of intent to withhold property of another:(i) permanently;(ii) for a period that results in the appropriation of a part of the property’s value;(iii) with the purpose to restore it only on payment of a reward or other compensation; or(iv) to dispose of the property or use or deal with the property in a manner that makes it unlikely that the owner will recover it.
§ 3-402. Robbery.(a) Prohibited.- A person may not commit or attempt to commit robbery.(b) Penalty.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 15 years.
§ 3-403. Robbery with dangerous weapon.(a) Prohibited.- A person may not commit or attempt to commit robbery under § 3-402 of this subtitle:(1) with a dangerous weapon; or(2) by displaying a written instrument claiming that the person has possession of a dangerous weapon.
(b) Penalty.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 20 years.

If you examine the video in detail, you will see that not only is Representative Etheridge subject to assault and battery in the State of Maryland, but felony robbery as well.

Detailed stop-frame examination indicates that Etheridge physically takes the flip-phone from the student.

Was the flip-phone ever returned to the student? I do not know. The issue was never addressed.

In my state, Robbery (a felony) is defined generally as:

California Penal Code 211: Robbery is the felonious taking of personal property in the possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will, accomplished by means of force or fear.

Create a complaint. Report the incident. Document via report. Submit for a warrant.

Trust me: in every other jurisdiction, in every other state venue — you, me — WE would be criminally held to answer for robbery in this instance; at the very least, assault and battery.

Arrest Etheridge under criminal statutes. Do it now.

Strip him of his position. Remove his pension.

Then go after him in civil courts. Ask for punitive damages.

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9 thoughts on “WANTED: Rep. Bob Etheridge, D – NC

  1. As a member of the master class, you will hard pressed to make anything stick to this thug.

    Rules for thee and not for me are the norm now. The rule of law is to be used as a cudgel for the rich, the powerful and the well connected. Now you shall see the fruits of the demo-rat rule.

    National Socialist is as National socialist does…

  2. I think you make a very good case here, BZ, really….Where’s he think he is, the Wild West? Who hauls off and hits somebody and hits private property, too?
    Obviously, he was in a foul mood and then gets asked about Obama (who wouldn’t get ticked!) but “Sorry, no comment” would have worked….”I’m in no mood for questions right now”..SOMETHING, but to HIT HIM?

  3. @Toaster: you are right. Just look at the Dems in the past who have had things swept under the rug. Barney Frank, all of the Kennedys, and many many more. It will all go away, unfortunately.

    People are so used to seeing the so called “truth” even though its all false. Even if they see the video, they will deny any wrongdoing. These people actually think they’re above the law. Remember the Frost interview of Nixon? Most politicians believe the law is beneath them. Do as I say, not as I do.

  4. It’s Obama who set the tone… HE is the one with “get in their face”, “hit back twice as hard”, and gonna “kick ass” while Salazar puts his “boot on their throat”. What the hell is this, the Third Reich?

    Now this arrogant clown Etheridge thinks it OK to get violent with an innocent reporter asking a question… and in the most polite fashion imaginable- who cares what his motivations were or weren’t.

    What a horrible example Team Obama and allied union thugs have set for their minions.. who now feel free to lash out like punks at any who dare question them.

    And anyone who still considers Obama some sort of unifier ought to have their head examined- seriously

  5. Toaster 802 & RR: thank you both for visiting and taking the time to comment; please come back! Etheridge is certainly in keeping with Mr Obama’s “Do Nothing But Vocalize” tour in the gulf.

    Further: his Oval Office speech, in less than an hour, will CRUSH through CapNTax and — with this event in the gulf — it was a perfect opportunity to take ADVANTAGE, politically, in order to RAM through CapNTax.

    Trust me. BOHICA, America.

    And he ain’t gonna use KY.


  6. Dennis: Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I’m being repressed!
    King Arthur: Bloody peasant!
    Dennis: Oh, what a giveaway! Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That’s what I’m on about! Did you see him repressing me? You saw him, Didn’t you?
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    First played out as comedy, and now played out as insanity.

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