9 thoughts on “Waves

  1. I haven’t heard that song in ages…I liked it very much but I don’t remember their voices QUITE so high before; it’s like they invited Maurice Gibbs to sing with them on this one!
    am looking forward to the BZ CHANGE!!

    let me know!

  2. AOW, don’t break it out until we find out how many of the new crop are as despicable as the old bunch…

    And I am certain that there are some RINOs in the crowd..

  3. Never forget Al Franken.
    In close elections these corrupt bastarts will count… and count… and count, while (surprise!), continuing to find new ballot boxes in trunks of cars, until they win.
    To avoid that the vote must be overwhelming. Everyone is now saying “Don’t get cocky!” We gotta get people to the polls and we have to win decisively!

  4. BZ… I Rob can do it… If Basti can do it… If Little Ole Lady could do it… If Gawfer could do it… If I can do it…

    You’ll be OK, and we’ll help you all the way…

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