Welcome to The Usual Suspects:

I haven’t done this for some time, but I’d like to introduce a new blog to my The Usual Suspects blogroll.

Please visit The Born Again Americans.

Having commented on my prior post, I ventured to their site and found it well designed, with an intriguing hook: it’s written by two brothers, named (L) and (P). (P) happens to be in a wheelchair; here is why. He took a long dive into shallow water; metaphorically, haven’t we all done so at least a few times in our lives?

As a matter of fact, they recommended me to their post about this following video regarding Islam:

We appear to be a like-minded group.

Please visit The Born Again Americans in my The Usual Suspects blogroll.

And, of course, please visit each and every member of my rather selective and discriminating blogroll. You’ll find here, at the Bloviating Zeppelin, that my blogroll doesn’t scroll on and on and on. I place you because I actually read you and believe in you.


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8 thoughts on “Welcome to The Usual Suspects:

  1. Peedee: thanks ma’am! Hope the boys are doing well!

    Mrs Bunker, so kind of you to come by, and thanks for weighing in!

    Bush, I’ll go check that out, sir! Thanks for the recommendations!

    BAA: it is my pleasure. And yes, you’re absolutely correct, the SIZE of government DOES matter!

    Greybeard: it’s kinda sad when that happens, isn’t it? I winnowed my blogroll down about a month ago. One blog simply disappeared overnight with no warning. It’s like the disappearance of a good friend. And it is my honor to place you there on the blogroll.

    cj, I’m sorry, I hadn’t seen it up to now. Thanks for driving by!


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