7 thoughts on “We’re Afraid of the American Flag

  1. BZ,
    That’s interesting. I wondered why the Mexicans had become wedded to something that celebrates a victory of the French. That would be like me, of German descent celebrating the outcome of the Franco-Prussian War by waving a Prussian flag. Silly and un-American, right?

  2. Actually, shouldn’t that be ‘we’re afraid FOR the American flag’? It seems to me it’s becoming some sort of wrong to show the flag…

    And, with acknowledgement to your wife being more up on the subject than I am – Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in the state of Puebla, in Mexico.

    Maybe these students should go there to celebrate.


  3. Think of a whinny child. Complain long and loud, make threats, create uproar and hope they get their way.

    My kids got knocked on their asses when they tried. Don’t know if that response can be scaled up.

  4. By the way, don’t know if everyone has “connected the dots,” but the wearing of the flag shirts at the Live Oak School is in direct reflection of the Mexican riots that caused hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to downtown Santa Cruz on Gringo de Mayo. Live Oak is a community, in the county, a bit south of downtown City of Santa Cruz.

    As per normal Santa Cruz PD was prepared for nothing and the city council couldn’t care less, clearly, about its businesses. The city council and county supervisors are Leftists and Anarchists.

    “Hippies didn’t die; they just all moved to Santa Cruz.”

    I should know; used to be in law enforcement in Sandy Cruise.


  5. Should the American Stars and Bars be flown in Mexifornia at all?

    The predominate race in Mexifornia is Hispanic; those five boys came from five different families and were only children.(even the Governor is a foreigner).

    During their dad’s midlife crisis, they decided to have sex changes.There mommies are now living with their female ‘life partners’ It’s the new American way.

    If they were from Mexican families, they would all be brothers with five sisters to boot.

    San Patricios Day is a bigger holiday in Mexico than Cinco de Mayo.(The Irish helped defend Mexico when America decided to destroy Holy Mother Church in Mexico by murdering Priests and Roman Catholics).

    viva Cristo Rey!


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