What The Demorats Are Sending To Their Minions:

What the Demorats are sending to their minions:

Dear _____,

Republican strategists think they can turn 2010 into 1994. They think they can take control of the Senate and undermine President Obama in the process. We have just four months to prove them wrong.

Four months to tell the American people that Democrats haven’t stood down in the face of great challenges. We’ve stood up. We’ve put millions of Americans back to work, dramatically reformed health care, strengthened our standing in the world, and done so much more.

It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t always popular, but we put the country back on the right path. Republicans didn’t lift a finger to help. If we want this progress to be the first chapter and not the end of the story, we need to make sure the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has what it needs to do what they do best – elect Democrats to the Senate.

June 30 marks a big fundraising deadline for the DSCC. You and I need to make sure they meet their goal so they can do everything our candidates need to win.

Look folks, I spent 36 years in the United States Senate. I’ve seen first-hand the kind of power senators have to advance the president’s agenda – or halt it. I know that if we lose our majority, making progress on so many of the things we care about – reforming education, protecting our environment, investing in clean energy – is going to get a whole lot harder.

And with this new breed of Republican candidates beholden to the far right wing of the Republican Party, it could be downright impossible.As the official campaign arm of Senate Democrats, the DSCC is the only committee dedicated to electing Democrats to the U.S. Senate, and they need your generous support. They make sure our candidates have the support they need to win even in the toughest electoral environments.

The DSCC has a critical fundraising deadline coming up. We have to show Republicans that we are going to take them head-on this November. When pundits and the press take a look at our fundraising numbers, we have to show them that we have what it takes to win.

The election might seem like it’s a long way off, but it’s less than six months away. Campaigns are heating up. And the future of this country – from the economy to education to energy – is on the line.Please join me in showing Republicans that Democrats are ready for this fight.

Joe Biden

P.S.: By standing up for working Americans, by passing health care reform, by supporting clean energy, President Obama and I have angered many corporate special interests. As a result, the Republicans don’t just have the Tea Partiers standing behind them. Thanks to the Citizens United decision, their deep-pocketed corporate backers can give them more support than ever before. That’s what we’re up against. And that’s why we need you.

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, dscc.org,and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Ah, Joe Biden, the Man of the Small People. Which is why he called a local

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