What’s The Deal With The Hair?

Sorry, just a little fluff post resulting from my flipping through The Economist today.

What’s the deal with the hair of Japan’s Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi — who looks like Richard Gere — and North Korea’s Kim Jong il?

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12 thoughts on “What’s The Deal With The Hair?

  1. NS: gosh — you mean RICHARD too — ??

    Rebecca: Thanks!

    Echotig: glad I was able to enable a teeny bit of stress relief!

    Wordsmith: Face AND ideology!

    BWH: ya just caught me on a weird day. Usually I’m all armature!

    Mahndisa: glad to see you visiting — I didn’t see it, is Teen America worth viewing?

  2. It must be a new man’s “hair” thingy. It might catch on in the US. Wouldn’t that be the pits!

    Richard is the only one there that looks good.

  3. 03 04 06

    Blo Zep: THe movie Teen America is worth seeing, if you have a strong stomach. It is vulger and funny all at once! I laughed my ass off for days off of the theme song: “America F$%& Yeah!” hahahahaha

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