Where You Should Go:

There have been two steadfast supporters and commenters, to date, on my site: they would be the Big White Hat and Mahndisa Rigmaiden — for whatever bizarre, obfuscated and disconnected reasons they have to offer.

I suspect that perhaps they were primarily bored.

I have already extolled the virtues of the fabulous Big White Hat. It is at this point that I feel compelled to promote Mahndisa’s Thoughts.

Mahndisa delves into issues I couldn’t even begin to attack with the greater bulk of my cerebral cortex without a roadmap, a one-pound chunk of C4 and ten years of education — and some Stoly vodka.

One day I shall consult her on the placement of the Black American Family and its place in US history because she has a fabulous analysis on some earlier postings.

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2 thoughts on “Where You Should Go:

  1. 10 23 05

    Hey Blo Zep:
    Whoa!!! I was just about to go to bed and decided to check your blog. Thx very much! That is awful nice of ya! I hope you have a good night and when you have a chance, stop by my site tmw; it will be a cool article and you will get a plug:)

  2. Mahndisa recommends your site!
    I like it so far! Keep up the good work! Mahndisa seems like she would be a really cool person to befriend.

    I like her posts, and admire her intellectual prowess.

    As for me, since i am a ‘little’ preoccupied with 4 boys ages 6 and under, it is very rare i can thoroughly think through a post like I used to.

    Have a great day!
    Feel free to visit my blog if you have time..

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