Why I Love This Country

In the process of blogreading members of the Western Alliance, adding links to my website and checking out local (read: Sacramento Valley) opinions on the SCOTUS nomination, I came across this from Sacto Dan:

Many Conservatives, myself included, have supported President Bush on key issues while scratching our heads on the others. Yet there has been no action beyond lipservice on the southern border, and Federal spending is making even Democrats blush.

Is Bush a conservative? We think so, but then comes Harriet Miers and our confidence is shaken. We expected Bush to take advantage of an historic opportunity to restore some sanity to the Supreme Court, and he blinked.

Dan, I must say I concur completely. Fetching Jen takes the other tack:

I am growing weary hearing the flapping jaws from conservatives about President Bush’s most recent nomination to the Supreme Court, Harriet Miers.

This is the weak link in our party. It is embarassing and frankly, shameful. The behavior smacks of elitism from the left; the “I’m smarter than you” attitude we usually see from our leftie brothers and sisters. Your bewailing is only nourishing the MSM.

Dissension and disparate views. I gotta tell ya: try that in China. Or Russia. Or North Korea. Or much of the Middle East.

That’s why I love this country!

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