Why I Still Like Newt:

Because he’ll always be The Smartest Man In The Room.

And that has to count for something.

Scott Pelley: Speaker Gingrich, if I could just ask you the same question, as President of the United States, would you sign that death warrant for an American citizen overseas who you believe is a terrorist suspect?

Newt Gingrich: Well, he’s not a terrorist suspect. He’s a person who was found guilty under review of actively seeking the death of Americans.

Scott Pelley: Not– not found guilty by a court, sir.

Newt Gingrich: He was found guilty by a panel that looked at it and reported to the president.

Scott Pelley: Well, that’s ex-judicial. That’s– it’s not–

Newt Gingrich: Let me– let me– let me tell you a story– let me just tell you this.

Scott Pelley: –the rule of law.

Newt Gingrich: It is the rule of law. That is explicitly false. It is the rule of law.

Scott Pelley: No.

Newt Gingrich: If you engage in war against the United States, you are an enemy combatant. You have none of the civil liberties of the United States. You cannot go to court. Let me be– let me be very clear about this. There are two levels. There’s a huge gap here that– that frankly far too many people get confused over. Civil defense, criminal defense, is a function of being within the American law. Waging war on the United States is outside criminal law. It is an act of war and should be dealt with as an act of war. And the correct thing in an act of war is to kill people who are trying to kill you.

Male Voice: Well said. Well said.

Obama vs Newt Gingrich?

No hesitation: Newt.


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10 thoughts on “Why I Still Like Newt:

  1. I’ll be interested to see how he holds up now that his numbers are better.
    It may become evident why he took that cruise as Callista is in for a rough ride. I suspect he was bracing her up making sure she was on-board and perhaps giving her a nice closing of a less complicated life.

    I certainly hope he is in a better place in his personal life. As a christian I am compelled to allow for that, and there is evidence to suggest that this is the case.

    Yep, he’s clearly smart and it shows. Huntsman probably runs a close second, but it doesn’t seem so. Here’s why.

    Gingrich is also:

    Most experienced
    Most well rounded (heh,I know)
    Most accomplished
    Excellent public speaker
    Sharpest memory
    Astute Constitutionalist

    All that counts too.

    “He’s unelectable.”
    He’s a natural born citizen over the age of 35. Where the hell was that phrase in 2008?

    I know I’m like Chinese water torture.





  2. WSF: you can hope.

    ∞ ≠ ø: it would seem that now he is “accused” of accepting Freddie Mac money.

    Mal: yet, who knows were this goes?

    TF: there’s always something not to like about a candidate. I don’t care for his, in my opinion, over buy-in on Global Warming.


  3. Okay I know you’re anticipating my retort:

    Newt is a MASTER DEBATER. He’ll clean the clock of ANY political opposition with facts and logic. GRANTED:

    Will he stand up to the state run media’s attack about his previous transgressions? Will he be able to run a campaign on which the DEBATES are like the extra points rather than the march down the field? Most folks will have made their minds up long before Newt abuses Obama on stage…

    How he answers the questions is going to be the deciding factor in his chances. IF he comes out and falls on the sword, accepts blame for his errors and explains he’s grown because of those errors….I’ll support him above all others. IF he comes out with fingers pointing elsewhere then he’s no better than Obama or Romney and we’re FUBAR with either of those two…

    The thing we on the right need is ENTHUSIASM for the election. Not only the POTUS election but every seat in congress that’s up… IF we don’t have it, we lose. Just like 08…

  4. OK, I’m with you on Newt. He’s awesomely brilliant and I even like the idea of expecting leaders to get Six Sigma certified… but when he jumped on the Global Warming bandwagon when we were fighting Cap n Tax… he lost me. Now they say he supports the health care mandate. I’m thinking about sending him an email asking him to denounce this crap along with a link to the I love CO2 website. What are your thoughts on this BZ.

  5. Newt? Sure. I’ll vote for him. I’ll vote for him even if it’s clear he’s going to lose.

    Unlike Mitt Romney, who I will not vote for. If I knew it was down to one vote in one state and the alternative was letting Pr. Obama win a second term, I would not vote for Mitt Romney.

    The Republicans need to think about who they put forward, because victory in 2012 is not guaranteed.

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