Yes, THAT Joe Biden

Did you forget that wonderful JoeQuote:

I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Evidently Barack Hussein Obama was very much taken with that one sentence.

Here’s what Obama thinks he’s getting with Biden:

  • Gravitas
  • Experience
What he’s actually getting is easy fodder for bloggers and the McCain campaign.

This will be fun. Let the games begin.

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8 thoughts on “Yes, THAT Joe Biden

  1. It was pretty slick of McCain’s camp to air Biden’s own comments on the heels of the announcement. Is he now for what he was once against? Sounds familiar…

  2. LMAO, I love this.. well at least until McCain picks his…This is the litmus test IMO, if McCain gaffs on this pick, he won’t be making any future picks.

  3. Unbelievably, horrible choice. That quote is only one of many that Biden has made sticking his foot in his mouth.

    I’m doing research on Biden for the radio show tomorrow and I’m finding an unbelievable number of gaffes that he made. This shows Obama’s horrible judgment in picking him.

    If McCain can keep from screwing up with his VP pick, he might actually have a shot at winning.

  4. Does anybody ELSE take as much umbrage with “CLEAN” as I do..? And I”m not even Black! That is DISGUSTING!

    Man, the fact that our media’s trying to keep this stuff quiet is so telling; if ANY Republican had said anything CLOSE to this…imagine?

    OR if a Republican had attended a White racist CHURCH for TWENTY YEARS..or had Bill Ayers for a friend? the hypocrisy is SO obvious and I honestly think Americans are starting to catch on.

    we can hope that’s true, right!?

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