2 thoughts on “You’ll never take my guns

  1. It says it all…..well must admit I didn’t watch it all as the singing wasn’t to my taste.

    Just do not understand the obsession with guns.

    Not trying to be a troll, I really don’t understand. I guess I can see the point that if you have a country that is riddled with guns it is difficult to put the genie back in the box. But the reverence for guns..nope do t get it. And the guns don’t kill people kill…..hmmm you can apply the same message to any tool…but guns are designed to kill.

    Thanks for letting me speak my mind.

    Don’t forget the book….Sopel….you might find it interesting.

    • The obsession is with liberty and the history of our nation. History tells us that governments generally do not create more liberty and freedom for their people. They create less. I am equally obsessive about the First Amendment and, as you’ve seen here recently, the 4th Amendment as well.


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