Please watch this video. Please process these words. Please understand their implications both expressed and implied.

“He is not enforcing the Voting Rights Act, which he has sworn to do.”

“I thought he (Mr Obama) was a hustler. I think he still is.”

“The government is deciding what laws to enforce based on its political opportunities in the next election.”

“The next election will be very dangerous because all those ACORN voters will be still on the rolls all over the country and now we’re going to intimidated from challenging their false votes.”

“What I saw, for example, was this guy, King Shabir Shabaz, he’s the head of the Panther Party, he’s the one with the baton, and he said to me, and to the man I was with, he said, ‘Now you will see what it means to be ruled by the Black Man, cracker.’ “

“Voter intimidation; and the fundamental point to me is Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy did not die to have uniformed thugs blocking the doors of polling places with weapons. And for the first time in our lifetime, the national administration is protecting the abusers instead of the voters.”

— Bartle Bull, Civil Rights Attorney


“Because they want to maximize the vote. The New York Times reported, one week before that election, on October 27th, 2008, that ACORN had registered 1,300,000 voters — of which the Times said 35% were fraudulent. That’s over 400,000 ACORN voters. This was an effort to protect those illegal voters and you do that by intimidating the poll watchers who were challenging them, and that’s what happened.”

“There is a mandate, at the DOJ, that no voter intimidation, no voter rights case is going to be prosecuted from this point forward if the defendant is black and the victim is white.” -Megyn Kelly

Voting Rights Act (1965): Voter Intimidation:

SEC. 11. (a) No person acting under color of law shall fail or refuse to permit any person to vote who is entitled to vote under any provision of this Act or is otherwise qualified to vote, or willfully fail or refuse to tabulate, count, and report such person’s vote.

(b) No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for exercising any powers or duties under section 3(a), 6, 8, 9, 10, or 12(e).

Thanks to Z for the heads-up on this video.


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  1. youtube took the video down, what a shock.

    The list of double standards that are rampant among the leftists is long. It’s a very disturbing time that we live in, as we watch our nation being destroyed from within.

    What is the tipping point?

  2. John: on the basis of your comment I just tried to see if I could play the video. It worked for me just now. Anyone else having problems with the video — as in YouTube having taken it down?


  3. Debbie: and that is doubly frustrating, because I don’t see the outrage and verbalizing required to indicate the Republicans are even aware of these continuing egregious events.

    NFO: I can only hope so.

    Toaster: then I think you will be able to relate to my post tomorrow, sir.


  4. Yep the DOJ under Holder is incompetent. But what is more revealing is the lack of media attention over this. This would be headlined for MONTHS if colors were reversed and a REPUBLICAN was in charge.

    This is the real problem, the root, the entire reason we are where we are: MEDIA.

    The MSM is where most inner cities get their information. The population that gave us Obama did so because of their information. IF the Media is not there to give news in an unbiased way, you get what we got.

    The alphabet networks have such a slant that a city dweller that has voted Democrat all their lives still believes the Democrat party today is like the JFK democrat party. It is not. It is souless and anti-American to the core.

  5. When this happened last year, I could not have hoped J. Christian Adams would come forward. I thank God for him. Now we’ll see what Congress does about it. Rep. Frank Wolf has tried. Holder wouldn’t let Adams answer the subpoena.

    Something must happen from this. Somehow we must see it though, and make certain…demand that Congress not sweep this under the rug.

    These are evil people we’re dealing with, and the thoughts of our polls being infiltrated by ACORN or racism brings me to tears.

  6. I fail to understand why the DOJ is not being brought up on charges of treason?

    And just imagine if the voter intimidation at the polls in November 2008 had been committed by whites? Sheesh. The outcry would have been heard all the way into outer space!

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