Your friendly Obama government: the IRS is PUNISHING black doctors who don’t agree with Obamacare

Dr Ben CarsonIn a page ripped directly from the playbook of the old Soviet KGB:

From the

IRS targeted Dr. Ben Carson after Prayer Breakfast speech

By John Solomon The Washington Times

Just months after he gave a speech earlier this year that challenged America’s leadership in President Obama’s presence, Dr. Ben Carson was targeted by IRS agents who requested to review his real estate holdings and then conducted a full audit without finding any wrongdoing.

“I guess it could be a coincidence, but I never had been audited before and never really had any encounters with the IRS,” Dr. Carson said in an interview Thursday with The Washington Times. “But it certainly would make one suspicious because we know now the IRS has been used for political purposes and therefore actions like this come under suspicion.”

As Dr Carson indicates, I am absolutely and positively certain that his being subject to an IRS audit is only the most remote of coincidences.  The current Obama Administration would never be as base as that of the most repressive of Soviet regimes.

Dr. Carson told The Times that IRS agents contacted him in June — less than four months after the speech — and requested to review his real estate holdings. After finding nothing that concerned them, the agents then informed him they were conducting a full audit of his finances, and then asked to go back an additional year to review his records, he said.

This, too, is a nice line from Dr Ben Carson:

“I guess I’m surprised it took them that long.”

The IRS politicized?  The Obama Administration using its power to try to smash dissent and/or punish those who would go against the president?

Perish the thought.




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4 thoughts on “Your friendly Obama government: the IRS is PUNISHING black doctors who don’t agree with Obamacare

  1. Haaaaaaaaaaaay! Where’s the NAACP on this one? Or is it the NAACCCP.
    Ben Carson needs 5 minutes with a history book so he can come out and call this administration what it is with the same confidence he would diagnose a tumor; fascist. Plain, simple, and as accurate as his favorite laser.

    Most pundits have it wrong. The time is now, not only to keep this government shut down but to dethrone the so called moderate Republicans. Put Boehner down like the droopy hound he is and defund the catastrophic Unaffordable Care Act.

    • The NAACP is ALL over this, just like N.O.W. is ALL over Muslims performing clitorectomies, facial carvings and honor killings of women as Islamic chattel.



    • This man is all alone in the field. Another Uncle Tom who does NOT insist on Free Cheese for all, and for all a good night.


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