Your Taxes Come 2011

This post will be short and not-so-sweet:

The Demorat-controlled House and Senate have adjourned in order to “take a break.” In the midst of an economic and political crisis.

They have deferred making any kind of decision regarding the extension or cancellation of the Bush tax cuts.

The Demorats somehow think that doing nothing is better than doing something.

With this marked exception:

The IRS has said that, with no direction, it is essentially too late to change, on the required national scale, the tax tables with which Americans will be held.

You know what that means?

Your taxes will skyrocket come January 1st of 2011.

Remember who did this:

Your local Demorats.

BOHICA, America.

With this caveat:

When you screw “middle-class white America,” you also screw middle class American blacks, Mexicans, Asians, et al.

Because taxes are, after all, color-blind.

Courtesy of the Left.


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8 thoughts on “Your Taxes Come 2011

  1. I’m getting scared to death, BZ…is there any end to the amt of money the Dems want? Do all of them want a socialist nightmare from which we’ll never be able to dig ourselves out? Or are there Dem senators THAT stupid that they BELIEVE OBAMA AND HIS THUGS?

  2. Yep, and it’s going to cost me a bunch of money this year…I am about to stop paying my house note so I can pay the taxes…See I think I figured it out… Don’t pay and the gubmint will take money from someone else to pay it for you! I think I got it. But unfortunately I’m white, heterosexual, married, Christian and I love my country. So I’m of course on the hit list.

  3. Z: that’s the way it is. Get used to your taxes increasing geometrically. It simply cannot be stopped now.

    Robert: your sad conflagration. You simply haven’t the requisite melanin count; get used to standing in line and having your gruel slapped down onto your welfare tray.


  4. It’s BOGU time for all the HopeyChangey folks to see the changes come through in their taxes… soon it will be the minority of privately employed citizens paying for the majority in government service.

    That is called: tryanny.

    Vote in November like your life depends on it.

    It does.

  5. Draconian taxes are a tool for enslavement.

    I really hope that those who voted in BHO and this Congress will be slammed with Draconian taxes.

    Of course, the rest of us will suffer too.

    America is in one helluva mess.

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