This is King Obama brooking no dissent, no pushback, no differences, no disagreements, no discussions, no consideration of other points of view.
This is Obama The Imperial.
Obama: ‘Extremist Ideology’ That’s Taken Over GOP, ‘Balkanization of Media’ Has ‘Blocked’ My Agenda
by Matthew Boyle
President Barack Obama said the power of conservative opposition, including in the media, is blocking his agenda in an interview with New York Times columnist Tom Friedman late last week.
“What you’ve seen with our politics, partly because of gerrymandering, partly because of the Balkanization of media so people just watch what reinforces their deepest biases, partly because of big money in politics, is increasingly politicians are rewarded for taking the most extreme, maximalist positions,” Obama told the liberal Times columnist. “Sooner or later, that catches up with you. You end up not being able to move forward on things we need to move forward on. We need to reform our immigration system. That would be good not just for our domestic economy but for our position in the world. You travel around Latin America—nothing would more reinforce an admiration for the United States than us doing that. We need to rebuild our infrastructure. You go to the Singapore airport and then you come back to one of our airports and you say, huh? We’re not acting like a superpower.”
Given some of the policy issues he lists, especially immigration, Obama seems to be referring to the Tea Party in his comments about a faction in the GOP that has “blocked” his agenda by taking “extreme, maximalist positions.” Another way of looking at his remarks is a testament to the strength of the grassroots movement’s power.
An interesting final paragraph:
“This is a defining issue of our time,” [Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)] Sessions said. “History books will write how much power President Obama grabbed and exercised if he’s not stopped and he goes through with this plan. So it’s a matter of constitutional order as well as a matter of important public policy. Just imagine if six million more people are legalized, how will anybody be deported? How will anybody be deterred from coming to the country unlawfully? It will amount to the collapse of law enforcement. I think the Senate has to confront this—and the American people need to know why is it that Harry Reid has been blocking votes. It has nothing to do with time. We spent days negotiating it to try to get a vote when we could have cast 20 votes. The reason is, he does not want his members to have to cast votes because it will expose their position. They’re saying things in their states that are different than what they’re voting for in the Senate—or avoiding voting for.”
Illegal invasion grates on me for any number of reasons, not the least of which is the flaunting of American laws. We are a nation of laws allegedly equally applied — except that they are not. Both the federal government and illegal invaders are picking and choosing which laws they wish to obey, and which laws they wish to disregard.
Can you imagine the hue and cry if I — and many, many others like me — were to pick and choose which laws we wished to obey with an equally cavalier amount of disdain?
The unrestrained flood of illegal invaders is a nation-changing event. These are people who, now, are uninterested in assimilating, in speaking English, in paying taxes, in becoming part of the American culture. They wish to stay in their enclaves, speaking their native languages, and expecting that their whims will be catered to.
And their whims include free medical, free tuition to universities, priority over others. And that is wrong.
As I found in a Union Pacific locomotive a few years ago:
“Extremist ideology”? The “Balkanization” of the American Media Maggots?
Frankly, I don’t believe it for a second. The AMM continue to be “in the tank” for Obama, doing their level best to carry his water — and they plan to do it for the full eight years.
And dissension? Let’s have a review of “dissent” from Shrillary Rodham Clinton, shall we? She says it is patriotic to disagree.
Except that, apparently, it is NOT patriotic to disagree with Mr Obama.
Instead, disagreement is declared as racist.
Mr Obama simply wants his way, and if he doesn’t get it:
Obama truly believes: America does more harm than good.