Health care providers: ATTENTION

You are about to become another commodity, like grain or fuel.  And you will be traded.

Health Care Providers AttentionAnd valued as property.

Get used to it.  You WANTED ObamaKare, you got it.

And you’re about to get kicked to the curb for Premium Health Care.

An area for those who can actually PAY for premium health care.



Only “poor” Muslims are terrorists

Leftist ThinkingWrong, Mr Obama and Ms Harf.

You are both liars of the first order.  Worse yet, you are paid by American tax dollars to be liars.  Your words, however, work only on the soft-of-brain.  That is correct.  As in the average American Leftist, Demorat, Progressive.

Their lies don’t work on people who are not only educated but have real-world experience in everyday reality.  People who have jobs to do, payrolls to meet, budgets to balance, serious concerns about what new rules and regulations will diminish their ability to run their businesses and their lives.

Mr Obama said during the most recent National Prayer Breakfast:

And lied all the way.  Obama can condemn the Crusades at the behest of Christians but refuses to understand and acknowledge just why the Crusades began in the first place, because of Islamic oppression.  Only terrible deeds were committed in the name of Christ.

Today, if only we’d provide more jobs, ISIS and ISIL and IS and the rest of the Middle East would somehow magically stop hating the West and, more focused, Israel and the United States.  And the rest of Western Culture.

That’s it.  All Islam needs is more love, more hugs, more understanding, more jobs, less poverty, more capitulance.

With one teensy-weensy problem: facts from Harvard tend to get in the way:

So there you have it.  Obama lied, Harf lied, what else is new?

Obama Imperial KingThe Imperial President speaks, therefore it must be true.

Except those with actual brains that function (this excludes the categories listed above: Demorats, Leftists, Progressives) know that Mr Obama’s regime is corrupt, built upon a foundation of opacity, falsehoods, profligate spending and philosophies that have been proven unsustainable, unworkable, and damaging to the nation.

Terrorists.  Poor Islamic babies.  If only they had jobs, they wouldn’t hate the West.

Unmitigated bullshit.

But we should expect this from Mr Obama.  After all:

Obama Apple TreeJust saying.


Muslim Poverty

Giuliani excoriated over Obama comment

Originally, ex-NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, via


NEW YORK — Rudy Giuliani went straight for the jugular Wednesday night during a private group dinner here featuring Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker by openly questioning whether President Barack Obama “loves America.”

“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani said during the dinner at the 21 Club, a former Prohibition-era speakeasy in midtown Manhattan. “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

I happen to completely agree with Giuliani’s diagnosis.  Particularly in light of Obama’s background and CV, which I delineated here.

That said, Mr Giuliani didn’t back down or retract his statement like most invertebrate GOP InvertebrateGOP members would.  He stood by his guns.  I also completely agree with his decision. There is only one reason for the actions of Barack Hussein Obama: to take this country down, because he believes it to be colonialistic, too strong, too powerful, too big for its own britches.  In Mr Obama’s world, the United States needs to be taken down a notch or three.  He’s just the man to do it.

And yes, Ann Coulter nails the situation, as indicated above.



Schadenfreude photography

I have to admit, my soul is gladdened, and I now quote Chief Dan George: “my heart soars like an eagle” to see that Obama is paying a price for his daily lies.

Obama Lying Is StressfulAbsent President William Henry Harrison, who served only 32 days in office until he died, Barack Hussein Obama will be known as the worst and least effective president in the history of the United States of America.

And as is my personal adumbration, I have never once and never will place the two words “president” and “Obama” next to each other.



Marie Harf, Rhodes scholar:

Marie Harf, Dept of Stupid StateClearly, one of the finest Leftist thinkers extant in DC.  Thank God she displayed her verbal and critical thinking prowess for all to see recently, at the behest and direction of the US Department of State.