Hillary: cheating already

Hilllary Fallen 2016Oh joyous day, Hillary is already pulling out the Cheat Card, a measly one day into her official campaign.

From the UKDailyMail:

More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton’s Twitter followers are fake or never tweet – and she’s already under fire for ‘buying’ fake Facebook fans

by David Martosko
  • Two different online audit tools say no more than 44 per cent of Hillary’s 3.6 million Twitter fans are real people who participate in the platform
  • The newly minted presidential candidate is fending off accusations that her Facebook page is full of fake ‘likes’
  • Her Facebook fan base includes more people from Baghdad, Iraq than any US city
  • When she was secretary of state, her agency paid $630,000 to bulk up its Facebook likes, but pledged to stop after she left

Just 4 per cent of President Barack Obama’s Twitter followers, by comparison, are considered fake.

The White House worked overtime to purge most of them after a September 2013 report found that more than half of his followers didn’t really exist.

Michelle Obama’s Twitter audience is 25 per cent fake, according to StatusPeople, along with 21 per cent of Vice President Joe Biden’s.

Another tool, TwitterAudit.com, sampled 320,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s followers and found that 18 per cent were fake.

The new measurements will add to the Clinton presidential campaign’s embarrassment following news on Tuesday that a large number of her Facebook fans may represent ‘likes’ that were purchased rather than earned.

“Purchased rather than earned.”  Cheating, plain and simple.

Hillary Logo ComparisonIn fact, it is estimated that Hillary Clinton will be paying $37.92 for each vote she acquires, making her campaign the most expensive in US history, at $2.5 billion dollars.

And this to elect a woman who is and likely will be completely unopposed by another Demorat.

On the other hand, cheating is a Standard Clinton Ploy.

We certainly would expect no less from a Clinton.

At least she’s consistent.



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9 thoughts on “Hillary: cheating already

  1. I was trying to figure out all of the hubbub for someone that is literally running un-opposed, thank you for confirming that. I couldn’t figure who was running against her, and now I know. Any reason why? We have 4 people in the race, and 10 more on the sidelines ready to get in. Nice post BZ! Like your pic of the H pointing down too, that’s the way she would take us, even further down.

  2. Completely agreed. Welcome aboard, thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Please return frequently.


  3. I’m a father of three young children, so I hop on when I can. I listen to every podcast without fail though, and have since I think around 2002. Sorry to read about your bouts with cancer. I’m glad to read that you’ve beat it four times. That’s great. Keep fighting!

  4. Yes sir, my favorite! Best show that I know of. I started listening way back when there was a radio app, that recorded the show commercials and all. And I listened to the show at my desk at work on a little mp3 player.

    I hope that your wife’s shoulder surgery goes well, will keep you both in my prayers. 🙂

  5. Pingback: Hillary: cheating already, Pt II | Bloviating Zeppelin

  6. Pingback: Hillary: already cheating, Pt III | Bloviating Zeppelin

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