A $1,000,000 dollar GOVERNMENT employee? Nah! Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2013 by BZ C’mon! Federal government employees and UNDERpaid and OVERworked. Just ask any politician. BZ If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!
Graft, mismanagement, corruption, waste, and fraud are as hard to find in a government program as it is to find maggots in summer road kill.
Well, ‘technically’ he’s a contractor… but still…
Still: YOUR tax dollars paying for him via the federal government.
Graft, mismanagement, corruption, waste, and fraud are as hard to find in a government program as it is to find maggots in summer road kill.
Wow. I REALLY like that analogy!
The ever-burgeoning world of federal bureaucrats.