The blood of Aurora hadn’t even stopped flowing, and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg was already prepared to blast the media and airwaves with his millions of dollars of anti-gun pap.
He took a page from the Leftist Playbook of Rahm Emanual: “You never want a serious crisis go to waste.”
Clearly, the Bill of Rights can go straight to hell. As can the dead people who became Useful Tools for Mr Mayor.
Never been to NYC, never will.
Dangerous man, Bloomberg. A fanatic with money.
Kinda like George Soros.
He’s ‘legislating’ with $$… sigh… Just like he did in Chicago to defeat a pro 2A candidate!
When the rule of law means absolutely nothing, then look out — just like Mexicans I’ll be all about making my OWN law.
When you can disregard the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, then you can disregard ANY law you wish, when convenient.
Leftists have proven this to be true.