Amnesty, illegal Mexicans and invaders, the GOP and reality: a review


The USBP is disposing of illegal Mexicans and South American invaders into New Mexico and Texas towns with this advice: “go home.”  Like you’d kick over a garbage can.

Sure they will.  They’ll go right home.  Because they so obeyed our laws in the first place.

The USBP is dumping illegals at bus stations in Phoenix, Arizona, where it is 110 degrees, according to one of my sources.  He states: “It is effing insane.”  I completely agree.

One place to begin:

Brewer to Obama: Stop ‘unconscionable’ policy of dumping illegal immigrants in Ariz. cities

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is urging President Obama to put a stop to the “dangerous and unconscionable” practice of shipping illegal immigrants out of Texas and dumping them in her state.

After reports first surfaced last week that scores of illegal immigrants in Texas were being flown, bused and then abandoned out of state in Arizona and elsewhere, Brewer sent a scathing letter to the president posing a string of questions about the policy.

Urging the president ultimately to end the program, Brewer complained her administration was never notified by the federal government and only learned about the practice from the media.

“This unwarranted operation is another disturbing example of a deliberate failure to enforce border security policies and repair a broken immigration system,” she wrote.

Brewer, in her letter, voiced the concerns that both sides of the aisle have aired about the practice — that it not only burdens states like Arizona but raises humanitarian concerns. She noted reports that many of those being released are women and children, and that they are being abandoned without food or water.

“I remind you that the daytime temperatures in Arizona during this time of year are regularly more than 100 degrees,” she wrote. “Consequently, this federal operation seems to place expediency over basic humanitarian concerns.”

Of course, various “humanitarian” agencies had to step in on behalf of the US Government, which created the problem in the first place.  Truly kind people didn’t want to see women and small children and infants left homeless and in confusion on American streets.

This paragraph:

Most of the families apprehended so far in Texas have been flown to Arizona and dropped off by the busload at stations in Phoenix and Tucson. They’ve also been sent to New York and Maryland.

Why?  No one asks why?  Why are they being dropped in within the United States and not deported into Mexico and their countries of origin?  Why are they being dropped off farther and farther from their border of origin?

Then, this paragraph:

To that end, Obama on Monday described the surge in children crossing the border as an “urgent humanitarian situation,” appointing FEMA head Craig Fugate to lead an effort addressing the crisis. The White House is also seeking an additional $1.4 billion from Congress to deal with the influx. 

An “urgent humanitarian situation”?  Are you fucking kidding me?  This situation was CREATED, Mr Obama, by YOU and YOUR federal government.  In terms of: NOT doing your jobs.  You created this exigency — then you decry its existence.

I repeat: this is insanity writ large and rampant.

Let me now provide an overview of this situation:

From the

Obama’s two-year ‘amnesty’ for illegal immigrant minors sparks TWELVE-FOLD spike in numbers pouring across border

The details then come:
  • A San Antonio Air Force base, a California Navy base, and a makeshift detention center in Nogales, Arizona have become temporary shelters for children and youths caught crossing the border without their parents
  • Republicans blame the Obama administration for the problem, citing a 2012 policy that relaxed deportations
  • It’s ‘an administration-made disaster,’ says the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee
  • President Obama now concedes that it’s an ‘urgent humanitarian situation’ and is setting aside $2 million to pay lawyers for the children
  • The US government expects as many as 80,000 child immigrants to illegally enter the US this year, a twelve-fold jump in just three years
  • More than 33,000 have been picked up in Texas since October; the Arizona facility has ordered 2,000 mattresses to handle its overload
  • ‘Instead of having an application of the immigration law, we are taking mothers and children and dumping them,’ another claimed
  • A federal judge castigated the Obama administration in December, saying it was ‘completing the criminal mission’ of human traffickers
The US Government created the situation and now decries its existence as an abhorrence.

But worse yet: the GOP takes up the Demorat ball and runs with it in terms of ‘AMNESTY” for illegal invaders from other countries:

Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and Paul Ryan (R-WI) both want amnesty for illegal invaders and they make no bones about it.  They think the time is both right and ripe.


There’s only a few weeks left until the summer recess swallows Congress’ legislative agenda for 2014, but a group of key Republicans haven’t given up immigration quite yet.

Helping guide a secretive effort to informally gauge support for legislative action on the issue before August are two expected names: Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and Paul Ryan (R-WI).

But joining them is a young conservative lawmaker whose efforts on the issue have shocked conservative power brokers and prompted a behind-the-scenes backlash.

“Absolutely,” Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) told Breitbart News, “I have been talking about immigration with my colleagues for months. Talking about important issues is part of my job.”

Isn’t it nice to know that the GOP is actively working behind your back to disable the Rule of Law in the United States of America?

Then this from

After Leaked Photos Expose Unaccompanied Child Crisis, Border Patrol Agents Threatened With Firings

by Katie Pavlich

Last week, photos surfaced from Texas and Arizona showing Border Patrol processing centers overwhelmed as thousands of unaccompanied children from Central America continue to need shelter and resources. The photos show hundreds of children sleeping in crowded, chain linked cages. Agents have described the situation as a humanitarian crisis.

In response to the leaked images out of Arizona, Patrol Agent in Charge Leslie Lawson is cracking down on the use of personal technology by agents in the Nogales Border Patrol processing center.

“Due to the recent unauthorized use of a personally owned electronic device in the Nogales Processing Center, the use of such devices will be restricted to locations outside of detention areas,” Lawson wrote in a June 6 memo to all employees at the Nogales station. “Effective immediately, the use of personally owned cellular phones, cameras, or recording devices in the Nogales Detention Facility and the Nogales Processing Center is strictly prohibited. All personnel working or visiting detention facilities at the Nogales Station will be required to turn off these electronic devices and store them in a locker other secure location prior to entering the detention area.”

According to sources, agents have been threatened with firings if found to have leaked the photos to media.

Do the Logical Extension.

I’m sure you can.



The Obama Administration is lying about how it lied about themes originally.


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12 thoughts on “Amnesty, illegal Mexicans and invaders, the GOP and reality: a review

  1. This is simply unconscionable, and it is all on the administration. And the dumping in AZ? simply ‘paying back’ Brewer for her lack of support to BO…

  2. I’ve got to stop reading the news. It just raises my BP and gives me the overwhelming urge to bang my head against the nearest wall. . In this day of social media campaigns that can whirl a story around the world virtually instantly, I don’t see why something can’t be organized to protest this travesty of a government. Or at the least, a pro (legal) immigration anti illegal immigration campaign. Until the general population decides that enough is enough, rises up and actively DOES something more than make comments on news sites and forums nothing will change.

  3. No one in the history of this nation can or has created a situation such as this… If any can argue that the Obama regime is not the most inept, corrupt and disgraceful in our history, I would love to read their tale…

    • This is purposeful, and it comes directly from DC. The ONLY person responsible is Obama. HE decided to force the issue because he wasn’t getting what he wanted.

      It was HIS decision to put women and small children in jeopardy in the scalding heat of southwest summer.

      Obama is DESPICABLE.


  4. I’m not sure we have any chance of beating the lefturds, at the ballet box because most of these damned illegals ARE voting (many more than once). I’d bet my paycheck on it. That’s how we ended up with this Pinky asshole to begin with.

    • They will also bring contagious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, H1N1, head lice, strep throat, etc. The teachers, school staff and school children will be contaminated. Then they will be carriers!!! Lovely! Absolutely lovely Mr. Obama!

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