Austria bends to Islam

Islam does not bend to Austria.

How daft, shallow and capitulative. First, watch the video.

I particularly enjoyed the young Caucasoid female Vienna Polizei smiling for photos with the young Caucasoid female citizen who seems to be so terribly pleased to be the recipient of the device, as though it her were her own personal IUD against assault from both sperm and “refugees.”

Police spokesperson Paul Eidenberger explained that the alarm is meant for women “so that possible danger situations can be cleared at the beginning.” He added that “Of course it is not coincidence that we are doing this on New Year’s Eve. [This is] Because of what happened last year on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, the abuse, the sexual-abuse.”

Here’s a novel idea: provide a sufficient number of Polizei in order to protect your women so that they don’t have to resort to a bit of plastic for comfort. Be seen. Have a massive presence. Make arrests. Make many public arrests. Then start massive deportations of any of the detritus causing problems or committing crimes. There’s a start. Do your jobs.

Is it true that Austrian Polizei cannot seem to do their jobs? Or is it true that certain administrative personnel or politicians do not want the line-level troops doing their jobs because it might be seen as judgmental, harsh or impolitically correct?

Stop a moment and think of the implications, what this says to the Austrian people.

Which is why I say and continue to say: it doesn’t matter if there are Syrian women and children perishing in the Middle East. Simply because there is civil war in the Middle East, the Western world, Austria or the United States is not the panacea to the globe.

It cannot afford to be psychically, physically or budgetarily. Our resources and our lands are finite. We cannot save the entire planet.

No more “Syrian refugees” to the US, no more illegal immigrants to the US. It is time to hit the PAUSE button in order to assess our national damage and plan for our own sovereign future.

When the US is weak, the rest of the planet suffers.



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5 thoughts on “Austria bends to Islam

  1. Das ist super! Das ist wirklich toll! enthuses the older lady. She is so happy to have this security device and now feels better about being out in the evening. But what good is this device if one is not near other people?
    Oh my lord. She is old enough to remember when one felt secure without ‘devices’. That horde of people behind the barricades should be protesting the loss of their security and demanding action to remove the cause, ie., migrants instead of milling about like sheep waiting waiting for the sheepdog.

    What is frightening is how easily and quietly people are adjusting to this. How they are meekly going along with the idea that it is some sort of duty to help migrants because ‘we have a lot and they do not’. In a conversation with an Austrian woman about the topic of healthcare. ‘America is rich, everyone should have free healthcare’ was her opinion. ‘Your poor people should get it for free’. Others say, well, now they are here, we must take care of them. They have suffered much.
    Outside the supermarket where I usually shop in eastern Austria recently appeared a sad looking dark skinned man selling a ‘newspaper’. The store cashier said he (and others) are brought in from Graz daily for this. Turns out he is from Pakistan where he left his wife and 2 children who he misses very much, has been in Graz for over a year, can’t find work and wants to bring his family here. “It is very nice here, very safe” “Things are very bad in Pakistan” shaking his head sadly.
    This is an interesting tactic by the powers that be as it gets the populace accustomed to a harmless looking quiet speaking migrant and potentially engenders sympathy for others.
    A friend went to the Christmas market in another Austrian town where they go yearly. This year for the first time they saw litter and trash everywhere. These are certainly not left by ‘natives’. The one thing you can be sure of in Austria, or used to be, is that Ordnung muss sein. There must be order. But as seems to be happening to Western society in general they/we are being nibbled to death by ducks. A little accommodation here, a bit of extra tolerance there, a smidge of self effacement there and eventually the chains are forged never to be removed.

    Ah well. At least now when seconds matter the police are only a device away…

      • I note a story from Hamburg where 2 ‘youths’ assaulted a 75 y.o. lady, stole her purse and pushed her down a stairway (thankfully she was able to grab the railing). This happened in the crowded train station and police were stunned that NOT ONE PERSON called the police! Would a screeching plastic device have made her safer?
        Can you rely on fellow countrymen to come to your aide or will you become another Kitty Genovese?

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