People actually voted this person into office.
From CBSChicago:
Updated 07/20/13 – 10:56 a.m.
CHICAGO (CBS) – An Illinois state representative has publicly raised the possibility that Chicago police officers might be the ones responsible for the unsolved murders of black youths in Chicago.
State Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago) was interviewed about Chicago crime Tuesday on WCHB-AM in Detroit.
“I’m going to tell you what some suspicions have been, and people have whispered to me: they’re not sure that black people are shooting all of these children,” Davis said.
“There’s some suspicion – and I don’t want to spread this, but I’m just going to tell you what I’ve been hearing – they suspect maybe the police are killing some of these kids.”
When WBBM asked Davis if she thinks it’s possible that police are killing children, she said, “I don’t know. I don’t know that they are, and I don’t know that they aren’t, since no one’s been arrested. We don’t know who’s doing it.”
I’ll make this little suggestion: the suspects will be black male gangbangers. I know, I know, call me crazy. But it’s this little uncertainty that I have. You might wish to consult the graphic below:
Or from
In relation to homicide the number one killer of black men is other black men. It is a national tragedy that black-on-black crime ranks as the 4th leading cause of death for black men. In the age group of 15 – 34 black-on-black crime is the #1 killer of black men.
That is worth repeating: “In the age group of 15 – 34 black-on-black crime is the #1 killer of black men.”
Additional information here and here and here.
Sometimes the obvious is simply too intuitive to ignore, Rep Davis, unless one happens to be inherently racist. I believe you can do the mathematics on that one.
If you break out your Funk and Wagnall’s and look up the word STUPID, there is NO definition, not in text…
But there IS a picture of that goofy-assed old cow…
If you can’t face the truth, blame a boogie man. Ignorant people.
People absolutely REFUSING to face the truth.
Wanted to follow on that age adjusted chart vs. the 15 – 34 years old demographic. Same CDC source, same data, most current available 2005.
Per 100,000 people / deaths by homicide / by race.
Black 170.3, Hispanic 53.3, White non Hispanic non Latino 10.1
Stupid bitch, your children are killing each other.
+1 on WSF… sigh
How nice. After she stirred things up, says well it isn’t me saying these things but my ‘community’? Well, cowgirl, what you be doin’ to edicate yo’ community? Or do you jes’ be noddin’ yo head, sayin’ ummhmm, right on? After all, our chilluns all be li’l saints and don’ be doin’ ish like dat. Must be ‘da man’ doin it.
Where do they find these samples of hyphenated Americans? (Remember the one from Georgia, who was worried about stationing too many troops on Guam because he worried the island would tip over?).
It’s people (and I use the term loosely, veery loosely) like her who contribute to the victim mentality of the race. Don’t face up to what is really going on, oh noooo. Put the blame on someone, anyone else so you can avoid dealing with the reality that blacks are killing each other and you haven’t a clue what to do about it.
When the young urban black male community respects itself and each other, I’ll accord like respect. It’s no more complicated than that.
“I believe you can do the mathematics on that one.”
You got it all wrong BZ. She is not the racist, we are. She just doesn’t know math very well. Those numbers are way to big! She only has 8 fingers ya know.
…or that during a House committee meeting, Rep. Hank Johnson said he was afraid that stationing 8,000 Marines on Guam would cause the island to “become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”
What’s even STOOPIDER is that he was re-elected to serve another term.
I’m done with bigotry. And right now I see bigotry on a national level promoted by our Racist In Chief. I’m done being a carpet for racists and for the media.
I say Build a huge wall, electrify it, and enclose this area. Throw guns and ammo over the wall for the bangers inside,, and let them balance it all out.
I laugh at Chicago these days.
The blacks have ruined every city that they have populated.
A black run city will become a turd bowl, not worth anything in 20 years.