Clapper: I gave ‘erroneous’ answers because I forgot about the Patriot Act


You “equivocated.”  You “parsed.”

I submit, sir, you bald-faced LIED.  And you need to be PROSECUTED and tried CRIMINALLY.  You are the Director of National Intelligence, confirmed in 2010.

Clapper’s incompetence first here.

Question: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”

James Clapper needs to be fired and to have his pension completely eradicated.

At worst, truly, he will be rolled into ObakaKare and have to face the same consequences you and I now face.  What an onerous price to pay!  Horrible!  Terrible!

From the (again, UK media vs US media):

The most senior US intelligence official told a Senate oversight panel that he “simply didn’t think” of the National Security Agency’s efforts to collect the phone records of millions of Americans when he testified in March that it did “not wittingly” snoop on their communications.

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, made the comments in a letter to the Senate intelligence committee, released in full for the first time on Tuesday.

Portions of the letter, in which Clapper apologised for giving “clearly erroneous” testimony at a March hearing of the committee, were first reported by the Washington Post on Monday. Clapper had previously said that his answer to the committee was the “least untruthful” one he could publicly provide.

In the full letter, Clapper attempted to explain the false testimony by saying that his recollection failed him. “I simply didn’t think of Section 215 of the Patriot Act,” he wrote to committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (Democrat, California) on 21 June, referring to the legal provision cited to justify the mass collection of Americans’ phone data, first disclosed by the Guardian.

Summary: LIES.





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9 thoughts on “Clapper: I gave ‘erroneous’ answers because I forgot about the Patriot Act

    • In a normal world it would.

      In a Leftist administration shielded by the American Media Maggots, not at all.


  1. He FORGOT? He is the Director of National Intelligence and he forgot?? Pitiful, just pitiful. I would almost rather that he had stuck with lying. Forgetfulness as an excuse for the DNI is frightening.

      • Can you imagine how the administration would have been totally demo’d had a Republican been in the White House and only a FRACTION of the crap gone on?

        You would hear it bleated 24/7 until 2016.


  2. I’m getting God Damned sick and tired of all the “I forgot”, “I have no recollection of that”, “I misspoke”, “it depends on what your definition of is is”, “I was taken out of context”, “you misunderstood me”, “I never said that”, “that isn’t what I said”, “I didn’t mean that”, “I don’t know anything about that”, and all the other BULLSHIT EXCUSES the left comes out with every time they get caught telling bald-faced lies!! Just when are the ball less Senators and Congress people of both parties going to IMPEACH THAT SON-OF-A-BITCH THAT STOLE THE PRESIDENCY!!! He and all his minions have been in power long enough and they have caused more than enough damage and it is time they go—one way or another!!

    • Joe, I look at this as not so much a comment on the Obama Administration itself and his sycophants; instead, I think it bespeaks volumes about how deflated and ignorant is the American public.

      That is the story, here.


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