From CBSNewsNewYork:
Legal Experts See Possible Showdown Pitting Safety Vs. Fourth Amendment
TRENTON, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — License, registration and your cellphone, please.
Police in New Jersey may soon be allowed to search your cellphone after an accident.
A bill proposed Monday in the New Jersey State Senate would require drivers involved in an accident to hand over their phones — no warrant necessary.
Motorists were mixed on the proposal aimed at cracking down on distracted driving.
To this I say: WRONG.
Let there be no mistake: it’s no secret that I’m a cop. And I value my precious American freedoms like — I would hope — everyone else. I also value my very precious ass on vehicle stops and contacts with suspects and inmates.
That said, this bill is wrong. Red light cameras are wrong. Cops Tasing grandmothers are wrong. Cameras on every corner are wrong. Cop drones over our cities are wrong. A “Surveillance State” is wrong. Abrogating the 4th Amendment is wrong. Let me make this abundantly clear for those of you who just tuned in: abrogating the 4th Amendment is WRONG.
If I find your cell phone in a search incident to arrest, and the case is major, then I would be wise to acquire a warrant. My DA would want that.
But to suggest that on something as minor as a traffic stop? That cops can literally confiscate your cellular telephone with no warrant?
Luckily, apparently, that is not YET the case.
You call yourself a “cop”. I would argue that you are a peace officer.
You’re quite kind. Thanks.
And once again I can’t say it strongly enough; GOD BLESS TEXAS!
Maybe driving should be restricted to those who are mature enough not to do such stupid things as using their mobiles while driving. That would cut down on traffic, wear and tear on the roads, the accident rate would plummet, lives would be saved, more people would need public transportation which would require more buses, trains etc giving more people work AND it would cut down on carbon emissions!
Well said BZ.
Just more bs from liberals who love to minimize our freedoms whenever they can.
I would suggest to them that “they re-read our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
But alas, I expect all liberals hate our values.
Agree with WSF, and yeah, that’ll be a cold day in hell…