Convert or die

At first blush, this cartoon offends any number of persons, perhaps millions of persons.

Let’s see it:

Gays & MuslimsOn the other hand good humor (as we all know) to be effective, has its foundation in any number of truths.  Or it wouldn’t be funny, and it wouldn’t challenge our thinking.

Meaning that the LGBTQ crowd is indeed the new ISIS.  Minus the beheadings.  But only because they don’t have the guts to do so.

Muslims and Gays are the New Borg.



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3 thoughts on “Convert or die

  1. This is an excellent cartoon.

    Between 2 – 3 percent of the US population supposedly identifies as gay. Muslims make up a little over 2 percent of the population.
    Yet these two groups have become so protected to the point where no one dare criticize or disagree with them or say anything remotely negative about them for fear of backlash. Yet Christians can be vilified with impunity.
    How did this happen? And more to the point why do we continue to let it go on?
    When did the tail start wagging the dog?

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