Department of Homeland Security gears up for “civil unrest” come November:


The Department of Homeland Security has ordered masses of riot gear equipment to prepare for potential significant domestic riots at the Republican National Convention, Democratic National Convention and next year’s presidential inauguration.

The DHS submitted a rushed solicitation to the Federal Business Opportunities site on Wednesday, which is a portal for Federal government procurement requisitions over $25,000. The request gave the potential suppliers only one day to submit their proposals and a 15-day delivery requirement to Alexandria, Virginia.

As the brief explains, “the objective of this effort is to procure riot gear to prepare for the 2012 Democratic and Republican National Conventions, the 2013 Presidential Inauguration and other future similar activities.”

The total amount ordered is about 150 sets of riot helmets, thigh and groin protectors, hard-shell shin guards and other riot gear.

So, let’s see:

  • Would this be for those nasty TEA Party maniacs?
  • Or would it be for Occupiers?

I think you know the answer to that one.



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5 thoughts on “Department of Homeland Security gears up for “civil unrest” come November:

    • Or they’ll bring donuts, cakes, cookies, a few signs, and no shit and piss on the grass. Or rapes or homicides.


      • The TEA Party doesn’t have the STONES to get violent…

        They will bitch, moan and cry, they’ll have Sarah Palin screech a few blurbs and maybe wave a rifle in the air, but that’s about it…

        If they prove me wrong, I will stand with them, but the TEA Party people I was associated with are stone cold PUSSIES!

  1. Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door, check your eqpt, check your buddy’s eqpt, green light on,,stand in the door,,,go go go go!!!!!
    I followed orders.
    If this comes to a civil shooting war, then us old vets will report and take names and ,,,,,,well you know,,,,.

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