Detroit files largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history

Detroit-City-is-Virtually-BankruptAnd this is somehow news?

My reply is this: boo-frakking-hoo.

A city historically run by Leftists, managed by Leftists, funded by Leftists, who had and has no grasp of reality, who are budget-ignorant, who think that money grows on trees and also magically flows from DC — ?  Go down with your ship, Leftists.  And take your black city administrators with you, like Mayor Dave “Clueless” Bing, who makes $143,000 a year.

I couldn’t care less.  Doesn’t affect me.


Detroit Online


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10 thoughts on “Detroit files largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history

    • But remember when Obama gave CASH FOR CLUNKERS, and when he helped only certain car companies and when those other car companies retracted dealerships and laid-off thousands of workers?

      And when he gave BILLIONS to electric car companies that, in their wake, went themselves bankrupt? And power companies? Bankrupt?

      Yes? No one seems to remember that?


  1. Would the last person to leave Detroit please turn the lights out?

    Yesterday, in a discussion on the Dallas Morning News, in comments, I had a Libtard tell me it was the WHITE MAN that caused Detroit to fail, the WHITE ESCAPE to the suburbs as WHITE people left Detroit…

    I thanked him kindly for making my point FOR me… He was then confused…

    I explained to him that what he had just said was a perfect illustration of what happens when the WHITE MAN backs away and lets the *niggas* run things, and that was exactly what was happening to the USA under Obama…

    Of course now I am every kind of vile racist WHITE MoFo you can imagine… 😈

    All because I told the truth.. 😛

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