‘Disgraceful:’ University suspends prof who hoped for murder of NRA children

Guth Tweet Leftist IdiotFrom CampusReform.org:

By Katherine Timpf

Administrators at the University of Kansas have suspended the journalism professor who suggested on Monday he would like to see the murder of the children of National Rifle Association (NRA) members.

KU’s chancellor, Bernadette Gray-Little, announced the suspension Friday morning, according to a local radio station, KMBZ.

“In order to prevent disruptions to the learning environment for students, the School of Journalism and the university, I have directed Provost Jeffrey Vitter to place Associate Professor Guth on indefinite administrative leave pending a review of the entire situation,” he said.

Guth turned to Twitter on Monday in response the a crazed gunman’s rampage at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C., in which 12 perished.

“#NavyYardShooting The blood is on the hands of the #NRA,” tweeted David Guth, who is an associate professor of Journalism at the university’s William Allen White School of Journalism.

“Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters, he continued. “Shame on you. May God damn you.”

Once again, as with my Friday post regarding a Demorat in Sacramento who wished death and pestilence on Conservatives:

Allan Brauer, the communications chair for the Democratic Party of Sacramento, Calif., told an aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Tex.) on Friday that he hoped her children “die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.”

Ah, those loving, understanding, compassionate, sensitive, tender, kind and all-inclusive Demorats and Leftists, embracing and considerate of all persons’ feelings and opinions.

Isn’t it odd that when one doesn’t abide with the philosophy of a Leftist, said Leftist wishes death and destruction upon those Conservatives who disagree?

And isn’t it odd that the reverse isn’t true? Because, if it were, you fully realize the American Media Maggots would plaster said comments throughout the American media sphere for days on end. Do you see this occurring?

I thought not.


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4 thoughts on “‘Disgraceful:’ University suspends prof who hoped for murder of NRA children

  1. Thus guaranteeing a position at Columbia, CUNY, SUNY, or the New School.
    Open proggy little arms will welcome Guth’s bile laden mind. They’ll give him a pay raise and tenure for this one. And Brauer will have ultimately advanced his career in the leftosphere. He will go on to buffoonicate (a far cry from bloviate) for the left, spewing hatred and intolerance in the guise of progress.

    When these two, and others like them, see the light it will be a moment of terror. The wailing and gnashing of teeth is a prophecy to be earned and one they richly deserve.

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