Does Mexico want a war?

If they keep on this path, they may well be on their way.

USBP HelicopterResultingly, you won’t see information like this portrayed on the nightly news or splashed across the front page of any newspaper.  it’s poor form, you see, for the American Media Maggots to say anything against itinerant Juan Valdez — who only wants to feed his suffering family in Mexico.

With one exception: Juan Valdez likely works for a major Mexican drug cartel.

From the

Los Zetas Drug Cartel Linked to US Helicopter Downing

Border patrol helo hit by gunfire

by Bill Gertz

A shooting incident last month that forced a U.S. border patrol helicopter to make an emergency landing near Laredo, Texas, was the work of Mexican drug traffickers, and analysts say the attack highlights growing narcotics trafficking across porous U.S. borders.

According to U.S. officials familiar with an investigation of the June 5 incident, members of the Los Zetas drug cartel were crossing back into Mexico from the United States when they were spotted by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) helicopter along the Rio Grande River near Laredo.

The traffickers had finished delivering a shipment of drugs and were returning to Mexico when they were spotted by U.S. agents and opened fired with automatic weapons.

The helicopter, part of USCBP’s Office of Air and Marine, was struck by gunfire on its side and on the rotor blade. The pilot was forced to make an emergency landing.

Let me remind you, if I may, that this is something Hamas does to Israel.  Some people call that terrorism.

Who are the Los Zetas, you may ask?  They are the persons responsible for handiwork of this type in Mexico.

Los Zetas Handiwork

These are the people the Demorats and many Republicans are refusing to combat.  These are the people who plague our border states but few wish to read or hear of, because it is disturbing and makes Leftists uncomfortable.  Play the video.  You are about to become even more uncomfortable.

This is the kind of handiwork that Leftists wish to import with a greater rapidity into the United States because, after all, the Zetas will certainly vote Demorat.  But will Los Zetas be satisfied with picking fruit, mowing your yard or lugging drywall for your construction company as the Republicans apparently don’t mind?

Uh, no.  I don’t think so.



Let’s take this time to thank the federal government and the BATF for ensuring that, via Fast and Furious, USBP Agent Brian Terry was killed and that a good number of firearms are currently being put to pleasant use by Mexican drug cartels.  Thanks so kindly, Mr Obama and your fellow Leftists.  You fully realize that, sometimes, sacrifices have to be made for the better overall political good.


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5 thoughts on “Does Mexico want a war?

  1. This is the stuff the MSM and the administration DON’T want getting out there, it screws up their whole ‘children’ and reuniting families agenda…

    • It does. Every Mexican is Juan Valdez, seeking, with stooped shoulders, to labor long and hard in the noonday sun for terrible wages picking fruit and cleaning toilets.

      That Juan Valdez is damned near no more.


  2. The question needs to be asked and the answer needs to be found as to who in the federal government is getting rich by allowing these drugs to flow into our country from Mexico. This can be stopped. A little border war to do it may not be so bad if it gets the job done.

    • I had to read it in junior high. Excellent book. I don’t think Obama or Enrique Nieto are that intelligent. Wait. Perhaps Nieto is.


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