Donors Weigh Jilting Christie for Jeb Bush

Jeb BushFrom the

Jeb Bush’s increasingly serious and public examination of a run for president has shaken the ranks of establishment Republican donors and fund-raisers who had planned to back Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey in 2016, forcing many of them to rethink their allegiance to the embattled governor.

In private conversations that are now seeping into public view, some of them are signaling to Mr. Christie’s camp that, should Mr. Bush enter the race, their first loyalty would be to him, not to Mr. Christie, according to interviews with more than two dozen of them.

It is now time for me to make this statement — so that those from the GOP who may occasionally cruise by make no mistake whatsoever:

I will not vote for Jeb Bush.  End of statement.  If I have to write in my preference, I will.  But I will not vote for Jeb Bush for president.  No more Clintons, no more Bushes.




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11 thoughts on “Donors Weigh Jilting Christie for Jeb Bush

  1. And no to Chris Christie and Mitt Romney as well. No more of the same old same old as it’s obvious the American voters don’t want that.
    And to you Democrats, aside from no more Clintons, no more Obamas or Kennedys either!

  2. I just saw a ready-made 2016 presidential candidate photo lineup. Clinton, Bush, Paul. Which one’s you might ask?
    What difference does it make?

    Can we run Allen West as a democrat?

  3. Well hell yes, makes perfect sense… Dump a guy that *may* be electable but is as sorry as goose shit and support an asshole like Jeb Bush… Brilliant, fucking brilliant…

    IF this happens just get ready for it, the Dems could run Kim Jong Un and win…

    Way to go GOP…

  4. Too late, I fear.
    We can destroy the country quickly, or slowly.
    If Hillary runs, I’ll likely vote for her. I’m sick of “Democrat Lite”.
    Let’s get this catastrophe started so we can cull the herd.

    • And even Hillary isn’t playing too well to the real Leftists in the bunch; many believe she is simply too moderate. Some cannot believe that she was at a point against gay marriage.


  5. Considering the economic quagmire, the continued removal of Liberties by the .gov, the international lack of respect deecee has, and a host of other occurences, it’s even money we won’t reach 2016, the ruckus will have kicked off by then.

  6. He was my governor and he did a good job but and that is a BIG but, we had a mostly conservative legislature that kept his feet to the fire, for the most part. I wouldn’t hesitate to vote him back in for that office, if the conditions were the same as back when he was governor.

    But vote for him as a president……no. Hell, we don’t even have enough conservative republicans to keep anybody’s feet to ANY fire!!

  7. We have lot of “better” candidates to pick from.
    From California politics many years ago,,,,,If it’s Brown flush it !!
    Today,,, If it’s Bush, Flush it !!!

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