Ebola Virus GraphicAnd it is in — at minimum — London.

From the UKMirror.com:

Ebola terror at Gatwick as passenger collapses and dies getting off Sierra Leone flight

by Rebecca Younger & Andy Lines

Staff tell of fears as jet from Africa is quarantined after the death of passenger who was ‘sweating and vomiting’ before she collapsed

Airport staff tonight told of their fears of an Ebola outbreak after a passenger from Sierra Leone collapsed and died as she got off a plane at Gatwick.

Workers said they were terrified the virus could spread globally through the busy international hub from the West African country which is in the grip of the deadly epidemic.

The woman, said to be 72, became ill on the gangway after she left a Gambia Bird jet with 128 passengers on board. She died in hospital.

Ladies and gentlemen, Ebola is now out into a Westernized country.  Just as I suspected and as I warned.

Here is what people don’t think about:

Everyone on that plane is infected.  Every aircraft  has a closed system of recycled air.  Everyone who touched her.  Everyone who handled her baggage. Everyone who helped her or serviced her at any point in her trip.  Everyone.  And needs to be quarantined.

Further, places where she washed her hands, where she used silverware in a restaurant, where she sneezed, where she blew her nose, and where she urinated or defecated — those places are likewise infected.

What people don’t wish to know: some women hover when they urinate over public toilets.and the urine splashes.  Anyone who sits down on that toilet is subject to infection.  Sweating?  Vomiting?  Bodily fluids, ladies and gentlemen.

Where she touched her eyeballs and then touched a doorknob.  Where she touched her oily or sweating face and touched another object or person, in purposeful or unconscious gestures.

And watch: response and quarantine to this will be considered an “over-reaction.”

It takes 21 days for Ebola to incubate.  So that person KNEW she was sick WHEN she got on that aircraft.  She did so anyway.

And I say this: I submit this is a very poor time to be getting into any airliner for any reason.  It is av very poor time to take an international trip.  Anywhere.  For any reason.  You have no idea where that aircraft has been and who has been sitting in the seat you’re about to occupy.

Further, it is a very poor time to be near a hub of large population, as in any large city serviced by a major international airport.  For, now, obvious reasons.

I said Ebola was “one plane ride away.”

And it clearly is.

FIRST obvious step: NO ONE from Africa enters this country



You wonder how Ebola transfers in primitive Africa?  This way: tradition indicates that when someone dies, you wash and tend the body afterwards, and many people come in contact.  Now, black people in Africa believe that the White Man has created Ebola and applied it to them — and it won’t be eradicated because the White Man, via White Doctors, refuses to allow them to conduct their rituals for the deceased.


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12 thoughts on “EBOLA IS OUT

  1. Look at how fast influenza spreads each year. Once we have as deadly a virus as Ebola that spreads easily we are really in trouble. As if Obama, all the Libs and Muslims aren’t enough! Open borders may just do us in.

  2. Updated info: tests for Ebola came back negative.
    According to the UK Dept of Health her symptoms did not suggest Ebola but the tests were done because she had come from West Africa.
    To be truthful, sweating and vomiting and collapse in a 72 yo would make me think heart attack.
    I do wonder though, since there is a test for Ebola, why not require anyone originating from the affected areas to be screened prior to flying out? I mean since they seem hell bent on continuing business as usual…

    • I wish I could believe you and, more specifically, governmental sources. But I do not believe overarching governments in general. I, we, have been lied to too many times.

      Still and all, no one from the entire continent should be allowed into the US absent quarantine. Without proper medical infrastructure available for same, NO ONE from Africa should be allowed into the US.

      This is simply common sense.

      You can see that no Western country is preparing for the eventuality.


  3. Except that it is apparently NOT airborne so NOT everyone was infected. Except, I’d have died of a heart attack just with fear that someone on my plane had it! or didn’t, it appears?
    Abigail’s right…sweating and vomiting and instant death is very much like a heart attack.

    I still can’t get over the fact that we’d take ANY ANY risk by allowing those 2 American patients here…they were experts in Ebola, treating Ebola, knowing how to stay safe and THEY GOT IT? When I heard the doctors saying “How could we keep them out, ethically or legally? They wanted to be treated at home.” it reminded me, chillingly, of Obama’s ridiculous harangues very like that…like about the illegal children “Isn’t this what makes us America, doing these good things?” I don’t think it’s ETHICAL to risk 300 million Americans and I don’t think there’s anything illegal at all about keeping them THERE and taking what it takes to get them well THERE.

  4. All very well and good until it gets here and then people, in retrospect, ask: “where did we go wrong?”

    One salient little tidbit for today:


    Please note:

    “Among the significant revelations are that individuals from nations currently suffering from the world’s largest Ebola outbreak have been caught attempting to sneak across the porous U.S. border into the interior of the United States. At least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the current Ebola outbreak have either turned themselves in or been caught attempting to illegally enter the U.S. by U.S. authorities between January 2014 and July 2014.”


    • And how did they get across that big blue pond? This is not like Africa to Lampedusa, a mere boat ride away. Who BROUGHT them? And how? By air? Smuggled on a ship?
      And if 71 have been apprehended just think how many probably are ‘in the wild’ and if just one of them is carrying the disease…

      • All excellent points. And ANOTHER potential patient is screened from West Africa, this time in NYC.

        Check my next post.


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