4 thoughts on “Exit, stage Right

  1. Man this guy is long winded and repeats himself. Many this guy is long winded, he just repeats himself.

    He posts a clip of Obama saying that illegals should not bring their children because they will be sent home as well – and thengoes on to say that the full clip has Obama saying that the children will be sent home separately. That is hardly credible. You have two clips that support your view and you post the weaker of the two…..I don’t think so.

    This clip is as credible to me as the previous story on John McCain.

    I did find the comment about Trump being the chosen one (or was it anointed one) somewhat funny.

      • Nope I would never say his opinions are invalid. I would question his statements of facts. For example, I would ask him to show me the tape where Obama said they would separate children from their parents.

        This guy probably bought the whole pizza sex ring stuff.

        I have no problem with people holding different views but at least base it on facts.

        Politics used to be a discussion on facts, now it is name calling. All Republicans are not evil, all Democrats aren’t evil and to make either statementnis just silly.

        I know people who have lost friends over politics in the last couple of years. “You have been my friend since school but we cannot be friends now because you support….” fill in the blank. Have seen it on both sides, but, to be fair more Democrats saying that they cannot be friends with someone who supports a misogynist, racist such as Trump. And yes some of those people threw a fit when Trump said he might not accept the election results if he didn’t win….and now those people call him “45” because “he is not their president”.

        Oh for the days when people could argue facts…constant name calling doesn’t get anyone anywhere and gets pretty damn boring after a while.

        • You make a valid point. I’ve lost some. I can’t say they were friends, more like good acquaintances. But THEY drew that line, not me.


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